Jul 27, 2008 02:19
I actually went to Barnes and Noble last night...and didn't buy anything! That is a first for me. Even if I go in there looking for a certain book, I'll come out with at least three. And not only that, but the person I went with had an employee discount and I still didn't get anything! *whimper* I'm really regretting it.
We also went to see X-files, which was not all that great; nothing like the first movie. It was like watching a really long episode, not a movie. *le sigh*
Anyway, here's an older story.
A tilt of the head, a twitch of the ear, and a soft whine emerge from the corner. Confusion shows clearly on the animals face. I know I shouldn’t have done it…but that doesn’t help me now. If I had remembered that before I picked up the knife, we’d all be in better shape.
Especially Shane.
Shane…the man who said he loved me. The man who said he only wanted me and no one else. Shane, the man who said she was his sister.
Sister, hah! Sisters don’t look at brothers like that and brothers certainly don’t touch sisters there.
Blonde hair, she has blonde hair. He always told me he loved my own brown hair. He said it was beautiful and couldn’t be outshined by anything. She has…had green eyes, like mine. He told me no one had eyes like I did. He lied. Everything he said was a lie.
He stood in our kitchen, stood next to her, and told me he still loved me. He told me nothing could take him away from me. He didn’t think I could see their clasped hands under the table. He said she just needed a place to stay, that a man got her pregnant and her mother kicked her out. I didn’t need to be told who the father was. He wanted his mistress, his eighteen-year-old mistress to live in the same house as his wife.
I told him I just wanted him to be happy, that we would work it out somehow. I sat there and acted like the meek little wife I am…was.
I lied.
I whistle to my poor little puppy, he’s probably wondering what happened to daddy. He comes to me. He will always love me. Oh, poor thing was blood matted in his fur. We’re going to have to clean that up.
Everything I said was a lie.