Jun 22, 2008 14:32
Missed a mandatory pharmacy meeting today. I need to get into the habit of plugging every-single-important-thing into my phone. Steve's going to be pissed at me. Possibly even cut my pharmacy hours.
The city may soon be hiring for animal shelter workers. That's perfect for Syd, and it pays well after the probationary 6-month deal. So we'll be hoping for that.
I have a techno-crush on the Blackberry Pearl. I really want one ;-; I was fucking around with one at the Verizon store in Las Cruces with my mom and it was amazing. It was also one of the only phones I could figure out. Wtf technology you're starting to leave even me behind...
and my mom is adorable. "Is that the Blueberry?"
I think I'll look at hospitals anyway. I just realized that I may be able to work for the VA hospital too (does this mean I'm eligible for government benefits if I work there?!). Also, Mom said that Lovelace didn't really treat her well when she was working for them anyway, and Albertson's treats her better. But I reeeeeeally don't want to work retail anymore.
Meh. I'm probably just speculating and won't actually have the guts to do anything.
So right now the only things I'm really looking forward to are Syd getting on medication and a job and me possibly getting a new phone.
I reeeeeeally want to get back into RO or something. After Syd gets a computer. <3 RO.
Also, a grand wtf to people hitting on me at work (why do you keep joking about me giving you my phone number?!), and a huge thank you to Mr. Archuleta. I don't know how we manage to get out super-early every Saturday night, but I wish I could be so productive every night ;_; (it's probably because he only gives me ad and tells me to make the cooler not-ugly).
Off to watch Syd play Magna Carta and find something for breakfast.