Видимо, меня продуло. Очаровательно. Моя лень воспалилась и заняла все свободное гхм.. место в моем мозгу, поэтому я сижу дома и усиленно делаю вид, что болею. Получается голодно и скучно. Читаю John Lennon in his own write и пытаюсь въехать хотя бы в
Reviving the old tradition of Judro Bathing is slowly but slowly dancing in Liddypool once more. Had you remembering these owld custard of Boldy Street blowing? The Peer Hat is very popularce for sun eating and Boots for Nude Brighter is handys when sailing. We are not happy with her Queen Victorious Monologue, but Walky Through Gallery is goodly when the rain and Sit Georgie House is black (and white from the little pilgrims flying from Hellsy College). Talk Hall is very histerical with old things wot are fakes and King Anne never slept there I tell you. Shout Airborne is handly for planes if you like (no longer government patrolled) and the L.C.C.C. (Liddypool Cha Cha Cha) are doing a great thing. The Mersey Boat is selling another three copies to some go home foreigners who went home.
There is a lot to do in Liddypool, but not all convenience.
я лох хотя, у меня есть розовые трусы с юнион джеком.. чем не повод для радости