Apr 25, 2005 17:34
do you ever have those moments where you feel really deep.
well im having one right now,
and i need to let it out.
So, were teenagers, were getting older, soon, the day's of sheet's for homework, and IM'ing eachother every 2 seconds, will be over. You wont be able to change your boyfriend as you like. You wont even be able to change your best friend as often as you do. or at least, you wont want to change your best friend.
One day, it will hit us all. we'll suddenly relieze that, the day's of double dates, and partying are over. even if we dont really party, we like to trick ourselves into thinking that. soon those day's will be over to, suddenly, we'll all relieze, that we cant keep telling ourselves what were doing, and relieze what were REALLY doing.
Soon, we'll all have responsibility, wether, its taking out the trash, feeding your baby, paying the bills, making sure your eldery parents are in a good nursing home. you will have responsibilty, some of us sooner than others.
We all live a pretty sheltered life here in concord. we really only see what's going on around us. some of us dont even see that. those are the people that will have the hardest time excepting responisbilty. Were not all sheltered, there are the select few, that know theres more than just, helen's, or Walden, for places where our small allowences can eat, And more than the rare robbery, or DUI case.
What im trying to say is, that one day, we wont be able to ask our rich parents for money, or get to shop in a tiny, quaint town, where crime is a mere DUI or pickpocket. we will all be at our jobs. some better than others. most completley diffrent from eachother. and we will have something we need to take care of, wether it's an action, an object, or a human being. we will all have responsibilty one day.
one question.
how can we stop it?