Sep 01, 2012 20:28
This past Thursday was a baaaad day. The kind of day where you shouldn't have left the house. But we did.
We started off at Babies R Us to return the convertible car seats we bought on a whim before I left for Minnesota (found them cheaper somewhere else, so decided to return them). We were walking back to our car (I was holding Owen because we didn't want to lug his carrier as well as two huge boxes) when a lady started backing out of her parking spot while we were walking past. Assuming she'd see us, we kept going. Well, she didn't. Rob had to jump out of the way while slamming down on her trunk. She appeared to be sorry, but didn't stop or roll her window down or anything. Thank God Rob was walking between us and the car since I was holding Owen. That could have been bad.
Then, about 30 minutes later, in a different parking lot, Rob and Owen stayed in the car while I ran into a store. When I came back, Rob was in the backseat with Owen. When he opened the car door to get back in the front seat, a woman came barreling into the parking spot next to us, ripping the door out of Rob's hand and bending it further than it was supposed to go. She rolled down her window and started yelling at Rob that he shouldn't have opened his door when he 'seen' her coming (God I hate that- people using 'seen' instead of 'saw'). He was a little loud, replying that she shouldn't have been whipping in the spot like that, and coming so close to our car. We both called the police and she must have told them Rob was being rowdy because they actually had a cop come and sit at the other end of the parking lot watching him until the responding officer came (we saw this cop and I walked over there, thinking he was the responder and couldn't find us- that's when he said he was there to watch 'him'). The officer took the info and left. Luckily we got a pic and it shows that we are definitely in the middle of our spot and she was clearly too close to our car when she came in at a high rate of speed.
After rolling our eyes at the incident, we went to Panera for dinner, talking about how crazy that was, how crazy SHE was, etc. Then we made our way towards home. About a mile or two before you get to our road, there is a big intersection you go through. We were traveling straight through it on a yellow. An oncoming car trying to turn left on the yellow smashed us in the same door (driver side rear). We skidded across the intersection and by the grace of God didn't hit anyone else. The smash was so loud. Owen screamed in the backseat and I nearly opened my car door trying to get out while Rob was still trying to pull off the side of the road into a parking lot. Owen was fine, just scared. The other car was in a gas station parking lot across one of the busy roads. A girl came rushing over, apologizing profusely and asked if we were okay. We said yes, while calling the police and our insurance company AGAIN. Another girl came over again apologizing. The police officer came and took the report from us first, then headed over to the other car (we couldn't see the damage, but knew it was extensive because there were parts of her car all over the intersection. When he came back, he said he couldn't ticket anyone because we were both in the yellow and he didn't have video surveillance to see what happened. Um, last time I checked, the car going straight has the right of way over a turning vehicle. She had no business being in that intersection. Hopefully the insurance companies duke it out and we'll be reimbursed our deductible.
We were shaking our heads all the way home. Who gets in two accidents within an hour?! With damage to the same door?! AFTER almost being hit by a car backing up?! Rob almost wanted to call out from work that night because he was afraid the worst was yet to come! It was so surreal.
We got our estimate on Friday (we got an appt after the first accident and then just told them there were TWO claims for them to estimate) and it's going to be hard to determine whose insurance pays for it (assuming both other drivers are deemed responsible, because they are) because both claims show the door needing to be replaced. One estimate is about $1200 and the other is $2500. We have to take it back next week for them to fix it. Crappy part is that we need someone to pick up Rob since I can't. So annoying.
Now we're afraid every time we're in the car. This is a perfect example of what my mom always used to say when I rolled my eyes about driving when I was a teenager- "It's not you that I worry about- it's the other drivers". So true, so true.