Nov 04, 2005 21:12
I thought I'd post something. It's a Friday night.. beautiful day. Josh is being pissy about something. I hear Vic is sick -.- Probably seeing Saw II and Cliff tomorrow and perhaps Jacob. Roman called.. for some reason Josh isn't calling him back. Probably wants to party or something.
Vic a lick .. I completely understand what you mean when you like someone and your perspective on time gets all fucked. But it's kind of nice because the excitement builds and all you want to do when you're with them.. is well .. be with them because they make you feel so good. I hear you have a giiiiiirlfriend.. I've love to meet her I'm sure she's really great.
erm...... uh..... dunno.. I'm hoping to be taking my SATs soon and ya know all that Senior crap-a-lap