Nov 03, 2006 23:23
well life here in baghdad is all right. thats once u get past the incomming rocket fire(which they suck at aiming). the average day here starts here at 0400(4am). At which time i get dressed and shave then its off to get my hummve ready for todays mission. after that all done we get our mission breif on whats going on that day and what roads we can drive on. then its off to do that mission. missions can last from 5-18 hours which is all right as long as u can keep ur self from looking at ut watch and seeing its only been 3 hrs and u are tired. after the mission we down load the hummves and talk abotu what happed.
In out free time(what little we have) we can call home go on the internet or just chill and watch a movie at a rec center. THings here are a lot cheaper then they are at home. here you can but a new movie for about $4. most the moive ae still at the theater when we buy then so we get a seen peek u could call it of all the new movies. some of the guy wll have texas holdem games that last all through the night and have to get called off by missions. We just start them back up when we get back to our rooms. if ne of u that read this would like pic from over here just comment me back with ur E mail and i will try and sent some to you.