There's a lot going on. I don't think I could possibly keep up.
Firstly and sadly, this is the number one post since 2006.
It started off well, but now the story defers into another direction.
So since my life is ridiculous bullshit. It doesn't matter any ways.
Spring is starting out horribly. My ankle is acting up again. Softball is a no-go, and I'm rather glad. They are such horrible coaches, and they think Softball is the new Track team, because they are psycho's.
My friends, are insane. Maybe it's me. Everything and everyone has begun or showing the mere signs of deterioration. Emotionally, and Socially nothing is the same, nor should it be, but it's not getting better.
The Crush For the second year my crush has just risen to a new extreme. I really want to tell him, but as I always am, I'm a bit scared of rejection because truly I do not know him as well as a person telling someone they like them should know, and that's even more so a reason not to ask him to go to Junior Prom with me, but me a crazy, weird, and sometimes naive (I know you're shocked about that one) girl is not all there upstairs, but will tell this boy, that I "like" him and would love for him to accompany me with his wonderful presence at a dance that I will remember for the rest of my life. Where this continues I really don't know? I was thinking a whole me winging it and seeing how that flies...but we know that never works.
I'm down to the last wire. Everything is coming together and falling apart at the same time. Needed no. Wanted never. Going to of course.
My words are only seen, literal but in between. You speak of them like human-nature yet they have no real meaning. You cry out to hear a familiar voice and that's when you seen the words floating into mid-air making your life seem non-living.