Jun 25, 2015 23:28
It's been two weeks since my last day at Wild Rose. I've gained a few pounds, as well as a few inches of squishiness around my waist - I'm used to being on my week 8-10 hours a day! And I really haven't done much with my time off. I was sooooo excited for it, but somehow fell off that wagon and am only now clambering back on.
There were a few reasons for my feeling a little off-kilter: WR begged Jen not to leave, and agreed to give her everything she wants, so she stayed on. That really threw me for a loop. They didn't have a goodbye lunch for me, or gathering, no card, not even a company-wide email saying "thanks!" Bummer. My time management has never been great, so after a few days of still being in my pajamas reading a book at 1pm, I started to feel like a waste of space. And Marcus got a new job. He quit/left WR under really ridiculous circumstances, but I'm glad that he did leave. He quickly got a job as a sales rep for Big Rock, which is amazing because it's a new skill set for him, a challenge, and a change. He's really really excited about it, which is completely adorable. But it added to my doldrums because I didn't expect him to be working quite so soon (and was looking forward to a bit more fun free time together), I didn't anticipate him getting a 9-5 job (which means we only get to hang out nights and weekends, which I'm not a big fan of), and I really didn't expect how upset I would get watching him learn this new job, and particularly hearing about him bonding with his new work team - which I'm not a part of, and which I don't even have a team of my own to belong to.
It's been a weird couple of weeks. I'm starting to get my feet under me, and I'm feeling better about it all, but the extra weight makes me feel gross, Marcus is working insane hours so I barely see him - and haven't slept beside him in ages, and my days still aren't as productive as I'd like them to be.
I did do some research about the mobile restaurant idea. Calgary bylaw prohibits the size of vehicle I want, and also doesn't allow any customers to enter food trucks. I'm going to have to find a way around that.. I haven't been able to find any bustaurants that are doing what I want to do, which are still operating, so I don't have a lot to go on as far as working examples. And sometimes I wonder if this is even really what I want. I don't have much desire to work 10 hour days slinging take away to ridiculous queues of customers... Although I do believe I could do it well, and the idea of having a little tiny restaurant on wheels is sooooooo cool. Ok, maybe I do want it. Although I still want to write and speak and educate and have an impact that way somehow. "Somehow" being the operative word though - I have no idea how.
One step at a time.
Marcus and I are good though. Really good. He's charming and sweet and energetic and happy. We've aimed from the beginning to be "That" couple - the one you're not sure if you'd rather be like, or punch in the face - and we're succeeding with flying colours. Ha ha. Sometime early last week when we were both funemployed, we had a lovely afternoon just chilling at my place, and we ended up in the bed room. That was great, but afterwards we were laid there, limbs tangled, and we could hear "Georgia" by Vance Joy playing from the kitchen... We started kissing, reeeeeeeally slow and gently. It was incredibly delicious and sensual and just plain amazing. One of my favourite moments thus far.
We went to Heatherli's wedding last weekend and that was super fun. It felt like Marcus just belonged, that he'd been friends with everyone for ages. It was awesome to see a bunch of people I haven't really kept connected to, and just so nice to have a couple days full of friends and fun. The wedding was beautiful and just casual enough to be comfortable, and I'm so happy for them - I love both of them so much!! Marcus and I brought home a few sprigs of pussy willows from the centrepieces, and put them to good use in bed later on. *purrrrrr*
Rob and Doug flew in from Van. I was stoked to finally meet his new partner I've heard so much about. He was lovely, although far more high maintenance than I'd anticipated. But Rob is happy, and that's all that matters to me. Carl also was there, and it was tons of fun seeing him - he couldn't stop raving about how hot Marcus is, ha!
I've been catching up with friends, which is awesome. Lots of time with Sonja and Sam lately. I've seen both Veera and Stevie for the first time in aaaaaages. A couple weeks ago Milky Chance played a show that I desperately wanted to go to but couldn't get tickets for. The afternoon of the concert Cody messaged me to say he had an extra ticket because his friend was sick, and did I want to go? Heck yes!!!! We met for dinner first, then the show. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!! The band was amazing, I'm sooooo glad I got to see them live. And I had a ton of fun with Cody. We danced our butts off and totally enjoyed ourselves. In fact, I'm not sure when the last time was that I had such a good time at live music - Pemberton probably. Awesome! Cody and I have been seeing each other a fair bit lately and it's really great, I'm so glad we're friends.
Speaking of friends, Yoga Dan has decided it's time we became friends. He's more attentive in class again, helping me with more advanced postures (bakasana into handstand!!), and yesterday he was all, "You were in my neighbourhood and didn't call me?! What, you have a new boyfriend so we're not friends any more??" Ha ha ha ha!!!! But I'm happy he wants to be friendly, I knew he and I had a great connection and that we'd get back to a good place. I'm lucky to have so many awesome people in my life.
Dunno what else.... I should really update more often, I feel like I'm probably missing some pretty profound moments and sentiments with these once a month general overviews..
Mom and Dad got their mission call: two years in Lima, Peru. Exciting. It's a humanitarian call, I can't remember details, but it makes it easier for me to support them than an overly proselytizing mission. I still plan to do a big trip down through South America, so it'll have to be in the next two years while they're down there. They leave October 4, which is only two weeks after Jade's wedding! Speaking of which, I'm trying to organize her bachelorette and it's been slightly challenging and somewhat anxiety inducing, but I'm sure it will all work out.
I'm also really stoked for mine and Marcus' jaunt down to Buenos Aires!!!!!!! I need to do a bunch of research, but it's gonna be awesome. I also need to work on my Spanish..
And I think that's all for now.
hard times,
upwards and onwards,
cosy cody,
work shmirk,
it's just life,
doing stuff,
hot marcus,
foxy ginger,
music to my ears,
change is magical