Summer lovin'

May 28, 2014 00:14

I'm trying to live my best life, day to day. I'm getting much better at it. I'm pretty freaking happy these days, it's awesome. I don't know that there's a particular reason behind it, but things is good, and I'm appreciating the bounty.

My only complaints are that my jaw is really sore again, I'm working too much, and I'm not quite as productive as I'd like to be.

Home is good. Garden is planted (radishes and arugula are up already!), and I hung my prayer flags from Nepal. Beautiful. I'm happy Jade is here with me, it's nice to see her often, and nice to have someone to bounce the day off of, and to do things with.

Work is good. The flip side of working a crap ton is that I seem to have a lot of money. Woo hoo! This afternoon before I left there was a very attractive guy, who I pointed out to my coworker Colin. Later on Colin messaged me with a question, then added: I've befriended your boy toy. His name is Wade, he lives in Marda Loop and he works at the Vin Room. You're welcome." I burst out laughing! Amazing, totally amazing. Now I have more stalking to do. Monica has just over two weeks of work left, and Geoff has confirmed that Colin and I will jointly be taking over the Taproom Manager role. There are a lot of maybes and details to hash out, fingers crossed that it goes in the direction I'm hoping.

Drum class was fun tonight. I like the rhythms, I really enjoy my classmates and teacher, and tonight we finally played more djembe - which is my favourite. Also, there's a whole new element to class, now that Cody and I are, well, Cody and I. Definitely makes it more difficult to concentrate. And it's exciting having this secret connection that nobody else knows about! He's so damn focused though, that he never seems to waver - just a little glance my way would do!

Cody. Cosy Cody. We've been seeing each other quite a bit, and messaging a lot. After class tonight I picked him up and drove him to his truck, which was at a shop for inspection. I realized (or was reminded?) that he's kind of odd. I think that's why I was never really drawn to him in class. He says and does things that are quirky, and he laughs this awkward laugh a lot - I don't think he actually feels awkward, but that's how it comes across. It's not unattractive, it's part of what makes Cody Cody, but it will take a bit of getting used to. And I think it's a good thing that he and I are meeting, and our relationship is developing, at a time in my life when I'm a lot more open and accepting.

He promised to pay me for the favour with kisses, which he did. He still uses too much tongue, but when I relax and just go with it, there's a lot of building fire behind our tangled tongues! And he's not just a sloppy kisser, he will often slow down and kiss with a lot of intention. He just likes tongue - fair enough, I suppose.  He hasn't tried to take my clothes off, or pressure me in any way, shape or form, which is SUCH a breath of fresh air. He lets me know that he's plenty interested, but he's also plenty patient, and it's usually him who breaks things off when it starts to get a little too steamy.

[sidebar: I looked up his astrological sign, Aries, which described him pretty well. Aries is a fire sign, Scorpio is water... of course when your elements are blended, you have a very steamy affair. In fact, this can be quite a sizzling relationship once it gets going. You will immediately be attracted to the passionate and sexual side of each other. Scorpio will excite hot-headed Aries, and they will boost your desire to explore new possibilities. You’re both strong-willed individuals with unique personalities, so compromise will be important if you are to make a go of it together. It seems that sexuality will dominate this relationship. Mars, which rules you, controls the Aries character as well. You have so much in common. However, Aries will find it hard to negotiate and come to an understanding with you.]

ANYWAY, I texted him later on, and an intriguing conversation ensued:

Me: You're getting very good at not letting me get carried away while our lips and tongues are intertwined. I feel like there's some underlying passion in you though, and I look forward to when you let it out. Although I'm not in a rush.

Me: I don't know if that really came across the way it sounded in my head..

Him: I think I understood it as it was intended.

Me: I'm still working at improving my communication skills.

Him: You are very perceptive and intelligent. My advice is to communicate as much as you feel comfortable. If misunderstandings arise, they can be dealt with at that time. I enjoy communicating with you.

Me: I really enjoy communicating with you. And I appreciate your willingness to just figure stuff out.

Him: My description of my passion would be in a way that it is not subdued, but is well balanced. I have such intense passion, to use it all, all the time, would not be effective or appropriate (or such is my opinion). Different times are treated differently. There are times when it shall be used more sparingly, and times when it shall be thrown forth in an unbridled, wild manner. We might not have encountered that time yet, but I believe that we will, as you alluded to, when the time is right.

Jeez Louize!! What man is well-adjusted enough to both understand himself and describe himself that well?!  He's such a unique and fascinating treasure, I'm soooooo enjoying unearthing him. As long as he turns enough of that passion in my direction, and is willing to communicate as much as I desire, we'll be just fine.

Aaaaaand, I'm waiting for a phone call from Ken-Leigh, which looks like will have to be postponed as it's almost my bed time.

I don't know what will happen with my life: work, home, love....  But I'm doing my damndest to be open to any and everything. I'm trying to find a way to do everything I want to do this summer: camping, hiking, motorcycle riding, music festing, friend visiting, family timing, patio-ing and bike riding. I'd like to keep a few boys on rotation, as I'm pretty ok with being single right now (although the idea of being single is often a lot more thrilling than the actuality of single life..).  I think a serious relationship isn't too far off, but I really really don't want to rush into anything. Why is Ken-Leigh so far away when I want his sweet sweet kisses over every inch of my skin RIGHT NOW?!  And where the hell is Gabe? I've been seeing and hearing less of him since he's been back in town than when he was up north. He's this >< close to getting booted from rotation. Oh, and I'd really like at least a few more play sessions with my favourite couple..... I've got a lot of stuff to tackle this summer!!!

drumming, gardening, three's company, cosy cody, work shmirk, turbo gabe, oh boys!, the dating game, relationships...., ken-leigh

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