Motivation out the yin yang!

Mar 04, 2013 15:19

It seems that the more I study and focus and read and engage, the more I am absorbing, the more excited I get, and the more I'm absolutely blown away. By people. By concepts. By the sheer mass of unbelievably cool stuff that's being thought about and shared and acted upon.


For example, I discovered Simon Sinek's TED talk:


And then I checked out his website. And I haven't closed the page since. There are posts/blog entries all the way down the main page, and every single one is riveting! They have to do with business, but most are also very important life skills.  This brief excerpt is exciting and motivating and thought-provoking:

Rules that tell us what not to do hold people back. Instead the rules should help push people forward. In our group, the rules consist of a
list of the things that are allowed.

It's called the Allowed List, and this is what it says.
You are allowed to:

1.     Make the decision you think is the right decision to make
2.     Start something that needs to be started to help advance the cause
3.     Ask for help whenever you want it
4.     Help others whenever you can (even if they don’t ask for it)
5.     Take time off to do something that inspires, excites and energizes you
Everyone is expected to follow these rules and everyone is expected to hold the others accountable to them. Afterall, if we didn't follow the rules...there'd be chaos.

[From the entry: You Are Allowed]

Holy freaking crap!!!! Seriously? What if those were the rules at the company you (or I) worked for? What if those were the rules our parents set out to us as we were growing up? What if there was a set of "You are allowed to.." rules in our relationships, instead of the usual, "Don't you dare ever do this or you'll suffer the consequences"  ??


So, Samantha also signed up to participate in B-School. I'm so excited for her, and for us, and thrilled that I'll have her along for the ride. I'm soooo ready to learn and focus and get motivated and GET GOING!

I still have no idea what the crap I'm going to do/become, but right now I don't even care. All I know is that I'm doing something, and I'm confident that the doing will find it's way to something specific.

Speaking of work and doing, after months of discussing a promotion for myself with my manager, we finally sat down on Thursday and hammered out more specific details, utilizing a "Promotion Proposal" I'd typed out. But that night I had serious anxiety as I thought about what we had discussed. Not only was the offer on the table NOT what I wanted, I felt that taking it would make me unhappy, instead of happier, more stressed, and less well paid. Why on earth would I do that? It simply wasn't the promotion I wanted.

So this morning I sent my boss an email stating that I felt it wasn't the right time for myself or for the company to implement this promotion.

I truly do love my job, and I know my coworkers feel the same. WR is so unique, as a destination, but especially for a workplace - it's run differently from anywhere else in the industry. And I don't want to rock that boat. Especially since we only have a few months left to enjoy what we have before everything changes.

I felt weird about sending that email, after I'd been pushing so hard for this promotion to happen, but it just didn't feel right. I'm glad I did because his response was understanding and supportive, and he's still willing to help me learn and grow, within what we're already doing. There will be plenty of room for advancement in the future... Although that being said, along with my anxiety this weekend came the very clear understanding that I absolutely do not want to make a career as a bar/restaurant manager.

The way I think is shifting. The way I structure my days is changing. The way I interact with Mike is changing. And as far as I'm concerned it's all for the better. And I couldn't be happier!!!!!

inspiration, motivation, work shmirk, change is a necessary evil

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