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Sep 05, 2009 12:13

Two reasons why I'm feeling really good today.

First, I had a dream last night that KOJ and I were visiting some people. I didn't know the owners of the house, but a couple other friends were there and it was very pleasant. There was this moment in the dream when I looked at KOJ and I realized that we hadn't been together in over a month. I climbed up into his lap and just started crying all over him with big heaving sobs and snot everywhere, because I was so glad to see him again. He just held me close, rubbed my back and told me it was allright. I was crying when I woke up, but I just felt so relieved to have felt close to him and to have gotten all of that out.

Sleeping and dreaming is so undervalued - dreams like this can do so much to help work out the little pockets of crazy that build up inside.

Second, the dude I was arguing about politics with told me I should take off my rose colored glasses and it just made me remember who I am. I do have rose colored glasses! When I look deep inside myself I see goodness and motivation to help others and I see HOPE. Great big soppy buckets of hope and it's wonderful. I do believe our better instincts will lead us to be better people and I believe that society will take two steps forward and one step back kicking and screaming all the way on the path to Utopia. Yay, Utopia! Yay me for being a starry-eyed, sappy, unrealistic, liberal!

So for everyone who's feeling bad about things now, remember the fights over civil rights, women's rights to vote, NASA, getting rid of kings, the 40 hour work week and any other societal benefit you love -- we'll get there! We will! It will take talking, arguing, mistakes and painful change, but we'll get there.

And, ok, maybe there's a third thing. I got a cool bagless Eureka vacuum for $25 from Craig's List and it works great! I love being able to see the sucked up cat hair and I love how light weight and small it is. It gets into the kooky corners and is so easy to haul up and down the stairs. Fantastic.
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