They say, 'Oh you graduated?' No, I decided I was Finished...

Jan 26, 2005 23:29

ok, ok, since s-k-a-m skam! wanted me to update this jive-ass shiz, so im all over livejournal like michael whiddle over shitty pedophile jokes...

Well the break was pretty good, not quite as crazy as i would have expected, but the really only important thing was that I got to hang out with all my good ole friends. It was really good to chill with yall again and it made me seriously relize how much I've missed all of you. I really didnt do much except chill around dallas. Kibbe came and visited me from the sunshine state and it was surrealy awesome to see her again. New Years eve, didn't really have the same impact as years past had; it turned out rather somber. I guess it just makes you realize how much things have changed, but its all good.

so now i'm back in College Station, just chillin, going to class. I feel alot better about this semester than I do last semester. maybe i'll stay here and get a house with cuntlidge. that would be balla. I don't really know whats going to happen though; just one day at a time.


p.s. Ya'll need to come down and visit, Ya Hear?!
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