Oct 01, 2005 15:24
I think a boy sees the world as it should be, a man sees the world for what it isn’t and WISHES for what it should be and a wise man sees the world for what it is, and tries to make it what it could be.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it :)
This next bit is my reaction to all my friends who are suffering from a loss of self. I have heard it said in Garden State and many times from Cheryl that the concept of home is gone. Now all it is, is a place to put your crap.
You know what made home, home? For the little bit of time we had that feeling of home we were being loved. Loved from all sides. For me, my mother held me. For others there mothers sang and there fathers encouraged...those are the lucky ones. But everyone has at one time been loved on some degree. And it is when we are young that we feel it the most.
It is when we are young when we FEEL that concept of home...that if we could just get there everything will be ok.
Somewhere down the line we leave the house and all those people that shower us with love.
Sometime in our life we realize this. You know where the last place I FELT home? Holding Sherri. Everything was safe and OK. The place before that was in the middle of worship. I felt that God was holding me tight and would never let go. Now I live for moments like that.
Those brief glimpses into home. Back to where we used to be safe. Home is not a house or a place...it is a feeling...it is that feeling of LOVE and SAFETY. That is what made your home...home. That is what will make heaven home...endless love.
It sounds cliche but it is true “home is were the heart is”
If you want to go home...love someone...and have the vulnerability to ask them to love you back. True, real, sacrificing, committing love is what takes us home.
HOME is were ever there is an abundance of love.