Name: Shugo
eats_typosE-Mail: moirails[at]gmail[dot]com
IM: inyourdna
Character Name: Gamzee Makara
Series: Homestuck
Timeline: Dancing beside the hornpile.
Canon Resource Link:
Homestuck itself wiki Character Background: Gamzee is the sweetest babby ever, not quite as sweet as Tavros but he is one of the people most anyone could hang with! Heck, he doesn’t even embrace troll society’s hemospectrum standards despite his indigo blood offering him the highest nobility of land dwelling society. Or perhaps that could be because he is stoned (or out of it) all the time. This is something that quite upsets Equius because he believes Gamzee’s conduct is quite unfit for someone of Gamzee’s caste but has no right to boss Gamzee around because of his own status.
Though Gamzee’s neglect for caring about the caste system is due to his high-on-life personality, it is also due to the fact that he is ruining his brain by consuming spoor slime pies. Which is something young trolls should not eat, lest strange things happen to their head (it did for Gamzee). Usually this is one of the basic troll knowledge that their caregivers, the lusus, teach the wee trolls. However, Gamzee’s sea-goat lusus was never around (always out at sea) to teach Gamzee these things so Gamzee was never brought up very well. This upbringing may also contribute to Gamzee’s lack of care regarding the social caste system as someone of his blood is supposed to be very violent in behavior.
Since the trolls started Sgrub, Gamzee hadn’t had much to do or say. He spend most of the time in the veil dancing or hording horns in the computer lab room, trying to make a couple of boondollars by letting people sleep in the said horn pile. It’s all harmless fun until he runs out of spoor slime pies, allowing him to sober up- he realize his true calling as the Grand Highblood. He comes to a couple of conclusions; 1) the spoor slime pies were destroying his brain (so very true), 2) his ancestor was the High Subjugglator (true), 3) he is the messiahs of the religion he induldges in (somewhat true)and 4) he has to kill everyone (terriftying but probably true due to the violent nature of highblooded trolls)- after killing them, he will use their blood to paint pictures.
This situation is all too terrifying and troubling for the trolls who are currently dealing with Eridan’s rampage and hiding from Jack Noir’s conquest. Karkat even remarked that, Gamzee may be more of a threat because of how much damage he did to the Black King compared to the other trolls. Which is somewhat true as Gamzee makes his way through and starts slaughtering the “peasantblood” (Equius shot with an arrow and then strangled to death with a broken bow, and Nepeta who is speculated to have been bludgeoned to death with a juggling club). However, his antiques stopped there as he made his way towards Vriska and Eridan for a final showdown because he was kicked in the nuts and sent flying off a cliff with a graceful “HOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKKK”. But he lived, because he then tricked Terezi into believing Vriska had killed Nepeta AND harmed himself. (“Not sweet Gamzee!”)
This lead Terezi into the music room, and Gamzee proceeds to fuck with her using Cal. Later, when Terezi confronts Vriska- he seemed to somehow have time to collect the heads of Feferi, Eridan, Equius, Nepeta and Tavros to have a mock jury table.
Gamzee was last seen approaching Karkat, Terezi, Sollux and Kanaya with the Warhammer of Zillyhoo (all behold the glory of Zillyhoo). Karkat then had to “deal” with Gamzee, but it is unknown what exactly became of Gamzee. All that is known is that Karkat is visibly and audibly distraught with whatever he had to do as Gamzee’s moirail.
But enough details of Gamzee in the game. Gamzee’s personality is like the troll equivalent of a juggalo (he gets pretty excited by CLOWNS OF A GRIM PERSUASION WHICH MAY NOT BE IN FULL POSSESION OF THEIR MENTAL FACULTIES). He belongs to a rather obscure cult of rowdy and capricious minstrels which are said to rise one day on a mythical paradise planet that doesn’t exist yet and there are a lot of juggalo text references with Gamzee. So much in fact, that his strife specibus is clubkind and his weapon(s) are juggling clubs. And though he swears quite often and frequent (usually motherfuck), Gamzee is good natured and laid back. He enjoys the wicked drink known as faygo, does a little baking in his spare time sometimes. Including in those activities is the belief in the many miracles of life.
He is, without question, a supportive friend and acts as a therapist to friends (especially Karkat and Eridan) if they are experiencing emotional stress. Though his counseling may not be much (“wait for a miracle”), he will stop whatever it is he is doing to help a motherfucker out.
And in that good nature attitude of his, his actions are very silly and almost impulsive at times. He is a bit whimsical (as is the way he types) and can be eccentric or unpredictable at times. (See the conversation in what is presumably the a memory bubble with Tavros when he suggested Tavros come over for sloppy makeouts after a rap off.) But all in all, Gamzee means well.
And as mentioned in his shenanigans in Homestuck, he does have a dark side to him that awakens when he becomes sober. This dark side is the flip coin opposite of good-natured Gamzee because he is DOWNRIGHT TERRIFYING. FoR oNe, He StOpS tYpInG lIkE tHiS, making it clear that there are two personalities meshed into one as he alternates from caps and lowercase in his text. SOMETHING LIKE THIS. And then back to this. TO SHOW YOU HOW HIS VOLUME IMPLYS THAT HIS VOICE FLUXUATES BETWEEN THE TEXT. When he is typing in lowercase, it has been seen to be the calmer side of the dark Gamzee, whereas all caps implied him yelling. Still, both side are as equally violent and embrace their grand noble blood status. His clubkinds strife specibus also turns into jokerkind when he is sober, allowing him to freely wield any weapon as a wildcard. These two personalities, one frowning, the other smiling - take on the Comedy and Tragedy masks.
Abilites/Special Powers: Gamzee has a clubkind strife specibus, using juggling clubs as weapons. His fetch modus is miracle based and he has no idea how it works. (Nor does he intend to find out) but it involves many colors. Something Gamzee loves to fondly regard and stare at.
Third-Person Sample: The hushed lull of the ocean quiets the nightly air with a calm, steady beat of waves crashing and rolling up the shore. It’s almost too dark to see the ocean’s continuous musical talent going but there’s small stretches of light streaming from the tall house not far from the shore. The light however little it may shine doesn’t matter though because the stars are the only lights that he needs to guild his vision across the span ocean. The house lights wouldn’t reach the length he would have to look.
To the innocent onlooker, one glimpse at the young trolls gaze would make one wonder if he was truly looking at the starry sky. The look on his face would otherwise suggest that he was not completely there or fully comprehensive of just what exactly he was looking up at. He looked quite stoned after all, but it was something rather common about Gamzee. The indigo blooded troll was actually not stargazing, nor was he not off in the distance lands of imagination and miracles. But he was waiting. Waiting for a miracle to arrive from the skies.
Such is the ritual he did every once in a while when at last his anticipation for said miracle could wait no more. With movement so sudden, he clapped his hands together and closed his eyes, praying to the mirthful messiahs for this one miracle.
And then at last, it came. But not before the young troll's pants become sodden with sand and damp from the shallow water, not that he minded or paid any heed to such details. Gamzee moved from where he had been sitting, for hours, maybe days, maybe even whole weeks (not in a continuous setting, oh no- he didn't quite have the attention span for that. Not that he was stupid or anything but-), standing up with one arm extended, reaching up to the white sea-goat that had just reached the shore and giving him a gentle pap on the nose. His lusus had just returned home from who knows where.
"It's like, a motherfucking miracle just went and delivered itself," Gamzee spoke as he embraced the face of his care taker.
First-Person Sample: HeY aLl YoU mOtHeRfUcKiNg BrOsEpHs AnD SiStErPhInEs.
We HaVe To GeT oUr CrAzY pArTy SeLvEs On AnD pArTy LiKe OuR fUcKiNg FeEtS gOiNg To FaLl ThE fUcK oFf FrOm ThE lAcK oF sTrIcT bEaTs.
HoNk HoNk. :o)
So AlL yOu FiNe MoThErFuCkErS gEt YoUr HoNk On At ThE bEaCh!
We'Ve GoT tHe MuNcHiEs In A wEaVeD bOx, We'Ve GoT hIvE bUilDiNg GoInG oN.
eVeN tHe ShInAzZy BiRdS aRe GeTtInG tHeIr PaRtY oN bY dRoPpInG iN tO sAy "HelLo MoThErFuCkErS!"
aWwWwW yEs, We GoT eVeRyThInG.
eVeN sNoOp DoGg ThE mErChAnT hAs DrOpPeD bY fOr ThIs SiCk DaY uNdEr ThE mOsT mIrAcUlOuS oF AlL SuNs.
If YoU'rE wOnDeRiNg WhErE tHe ReFrEsHmEnTs WiLl Be, I wIlL bE pRoViDiNg ThE wIcKeD sHiT.
So JuSt BrInG tHe MoThErFuCkEr InSiDe Of YoU aNd cOmE gEt GrOoViN WiTh It!