what html fail...aquarium_tipperAugust 19 2011, 02:45:10 UTC
eheheh way two be the kiing of fuckiing 2paced out. really though iif you were ii hope you 2aid 2omethiing two KK on hii2 trollventory or he'll vomiit pure uncen2ored rage everywhere. iif not uh hii?
what pumpkin?messiahismeAugust 19 2011, 02:52:11 UTC
Oh ShIt BrO. i DoN't WaNt HiM tO gO aNd SuMmOn FoRtH tHe VoMiT tSuNaMi On ThIs ShIt. MoThErFuCkErS gOtTa KeEp It ClEaN. bUt Hi ThErE. mInD tElLiNg A mOtHeRfUcKeR wHaT's BeEn GoInG oN hErE? i'Ve BeEn InDuLgInG tHe WoNdEr Of AlL tHeSe RoOmS. fUcKiNg RoOmS mAn.
yeah okay ii gue22 ii can iindulge a bro and get my 2tory on. 2o thii2 biiga22 grub fuckiing a22hole of a hiive goe2 around 2tealiing people two liive iin it. yeah there are a lot of room2 but they're mo2tly u2ele22 the clo2et2 have free 2wag. oh and the 2un ii2 out liike half the tiime. 2hiit 2hould be iillegal you know? that'2 my 2tory.
Oh ShIt ThE mOtHeRfUcKiNg SuN iS oUt? MaN. aNd CoOl StOrY bRo BuT i AlReAdY gOt ThIs MoThErFuCkInG cLoSeT sTuFf FiGuReD oUt. MiRAClEs HoW So MaNy HoRnS cAn FiT iN a CloSeT! i Am Up To My BiTcHtItS iN hOrNs.
the 2un doe2n't actually do anythiing here. but iit can 2tiil go fuck iit2elf. FUCK that remiind2 me. 2orry ff and ii chiilled iin your horn piile when you fucked off. ii mean the one back iin the game.
Oh ThAt'S mOtHeRfUcKiNg FiNe! FiRsT cHiLlInG iS AlWaYs FrEe FoR mY mOThErFuCkInG bRoS aNd WiCkEd SiStErS. nO nEeD tO gO aPoLoGiZe FoR gEtTiNg YoUr MoThErFuCkInG cHiLl On.
HoNk. EvErY bUsInEsS mAn HaS tO sTaRt SoMeWhErE eVeN iF iT jUsT mEaNs GeTtInG yOuR nAmE oUt ThErE sO tHaT mOtHeRfUcKeRs EvErYwHeRe KnOw WhO tO gO tO. yOu KnOw? It'S lIkE hOw StArS kNoW wHeRe To Be. ThErE's So MaNy Of ThOsE sHiNy BaStArDs Up ThErE yOu WoNdEr WhErE tHe MoThErFuCk ThEy Go AnD hOw ThEy KnOw WhErE tO gO. tHeY jUsT lEt ThEiR nAmEs Be KnOwN aNd SeCuRe ThEiR pLaCe Up ThErE, yOu KnOw?
well at lea2t one iidiiot here ii2 goiing two be happy two 2ee you.
or have you been here the whole tiime??
MoThErFuCkInG mEnTiOn It.
I cOuLd HaVe BeEn HeRe AlL aLoNg AnD nOt EvEn kNoWn It mYsElf.
really though iif you were ii hope you 2aid 2omethiing two KK on hii2 trollventory or he'll vomiit pure uncen2ored rage everywhere.
iif not
i DoN't WaNt HiM tO gO aNd SuMmOn FoRtH tHe VoMiT tSuNaMi On ThIs ShIt.
MoThErFuCkErS gOtTa KeEp It ClEaN.
bUt Hi ThErE.
mInD tElLiNg A mOtHeRfUcKeR wHaT's BeEn GoInG oN hErE?
i'Ve BeEn InDuLgInG tHe WoNdEr Of AlL tHeSe RoOmS.
fUcKiNg RoOmS mAn.
2o thii2 biiga22 grub fuckiing a22hole of a hiive goe2 around 2tealiing people two liive iin it.
yeah there are a lot of room2 but they're mo2tly u2ele22 the clo2et2 have free 2wag.
oh and the 2un ii2 out liike half the tiime.
2hiit 2hould be iillegal you know?
that'2 my 2tory.
[PRIORITIES, man. Those are his.]
aNd CoOl StOrY bRo BuT i AlReAdY gOt ThIs MoThErFuCkInG cLoSeT sTuFf FiGuReD oUt.
MiRAClEs HoW So MaNy HoRnS cAn FiT iN a CloSeT!
i Am Up To My BiTcHtItS iN hOrNs.
but iit can 2tiil go fuck iit2elf.
FUCK that remiind2 me.
2orry ff and ii chiilled iin your horn piile when you fucked off.
ii mean the one back iin the game.
FiRsT cHiLlInG iS AlWaYs FrEe FoR mY mOThErFuCkInG bRoS aNd WiCkEd SiStErS.
nO nEeD tO gO aPoLoGiZe FoR gEtTiNg YoUr MoThErFuCkInG cHiLl On.
ii thiink you are
pretty much the wor2t iinkeeper two ever run a bu2iine22.
but don't ever change man.
EvErY bUsInEsS mAn HaS tO sTaRt SoMeWhErE eVeN iF iT jUsT mEaNs GeTtInG yOuR nAmE oUt ThErE sO tHaT mOtHeRfUcKeRs EvErYwHeRe KnOw WhO tO gO tO.
yOu KnOw?
It'S lIkE hOw StArS kNoW wHeRe To Be.
ThErE's So MaNy Of ThOsE sHiNy BaStArDs Up ThErE yOu WoNdEr WhErE tHe MoThErFuCk ThEy Go AnD hOw ThEy KnOw WhErE tO gO.
tHeY jUsT lEt ThEiR nAmEs Be KnOwN aNd SeCuRe ThEiR pLaCe Up ThErE, yOu KnOw?
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