Dec 14, 2005 15:54
Hey all. Greg here.
Jess and I moved our dinner plans from today to tomorrow, thursday the 15th, which works out well for me. Not only does that give us more time to just relax, but I got a chance to pick up my paycheck, meaning that not only can we go to a restaurant, we can actually have dinner! Plus, it gave me a chance to buy her a little bunch of flowers.
Now here I sit, making an update on my journal, and she's at work, and I'm finding it soo easy to just zen out and think about nothing. She's got that effect on me, that rare quality that doesn't seem to have anything to do with any other traits. It's just there. She helps me relax, and by relax I don't mean meditate, (i do that on my own) I mean that I just don't worry about stuff so much.
And the weird part is, I sense that she's going to break my heart somehow. And the weirder part is, I don't think I care. She's not malicious or spiteful, or vengeful, or gossipy, so hey, if she does break my heart, at least she won't slander me and act like I'm the devil for more than a year like *coughsarahcough* some girls do.
So I'm not worried.
Peace and Love, with parmesean cheese,