Well, currently I am standing in my closet and there is a noose tapping me in my head ... oh that's amongst the hangers and this old smelly SLAYER T-shirt. Any woot... Depressed, thinking to much and well what's new.(please see below picture) Well I had some fun this weekend with My sister Allison and her Boyfriend Joe, and her new room mate Katie. We ended up bar hoping for a couple of min until we ended up at Club Garabaldi. (LAME) But we played pool had some brew and I booty danced for 10.00 with a gay man in very tight pants and a flamboyant Hawaiian T-shirt on. Oh yeah that was caught on video, along with my pre-show of wearing chain mail bra and thong , posing like a wounded duck. In other news I have made a new friend and she seems like a very awesome down to earth person who enjoys many of the same things I do which is really awesome. We have yet to hang out but I am sure when we do it will be something the town should be talking about. Although she has been sick, I hope I was still able to bring some cheer and smiles to her. Well, Till the next time my fingers get excited and want to type.
Is this thing loaded?