Mar 04, 2005 08:04
Name: Marlena
What does your name mean: mine doesnt mean anything.....
Nicknames: mar,marface,heggs,meatloaf
Are you named after anyone: marlena on Days of Our Lives
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be: Carl John, they thought i was a boy......if i had a choice....itd be Roan
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name? if a person can get my last name right on the first try,itd be a miracle... and my first name.....that gets mutilated as well
Gender: female
Birthdate: june 13th 1986
Height: 5'2
Hair: blonde but brown now
Location: connecticut
Righty or Lefty: righty
Nationality: german,italian,irish,portuguese
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Have a crush: no
Ever done something stupid to impress them: no
Would you ever date someone older or younger than you: my boyfriend's 20 so... yes
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: their can tell alot from those babies
Do you play an instrument: piano, guitar.......but i dont have one so id need a refresher
Favorite band ever or at the moment: oasis
Name 3 cds that you've bought in the last year: Hilary Duff, The Killers.....two is good enough
High School
What school did/do you go to: middletown high
Did/do you like school: it was decent,had some really good times, and some bad ones
Have you ever been expelled or suspended: suspended twice
Favorite teacher: MR.MOTHER FUCKING LUNDELL,Mr. Siebert,or Mr.Barber....those were the apples of my eyes...i love them and them i
Least favorite teacher: Mr. Barbarito....
What's your favorite subjects: history
Most hated subject: math
Play any sports for the school: of coooooourse......until senior year
Are you a maths/science person or an english/foreign language person: english/foreign language
Do you plan on having children: yes
Do you want to get married: yes
How old do you want to be when you have your first child: when im settled and ready
What do you want to be when you grow up? dunno
Where do you want to go to college? Franklin Pierce
Random Questions
Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
Do/did you have braces: i had em for 5 years
How many languages do you know: english and the french i learned from good ol' madame giocco
How old are you mentally: eh id say im right where i should be
How long does it take you get ready in the morning: 10minutes, 15 if i need to straighten my hair
Do you believe in love: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings: open minded
Are you shy or outgoing: i'm shy at first...but once i get to know you i'm 100% outgoing
How easily do you trust people: you need to penetrate fort knox, i have a hard time trusting people
Half full or half empty: half full
What makes you happy: summer, daniel
Have you ever had an eating disorder: sure, almost everyone does whether its mentally or physically
Are you funny or serious: half and half... serious when i need to be
Are you lazy or active: active until i get tired then im lazy
Are you happy with the way you look: no but not many are
Do you have any birthmarks: yes
Do you like to dance: no unless its DDR or dance parties with my sister
Do you like to travel: yes but i havent done alot of it.....
What kind of jewelry do you wear: i switch it up but always wear my claddagh
What do you want a tattoo of: i have one, but i also want another one on my neck but im waiting on my sister to return from Cancun for that
What is your lucky number: 13
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color: brown or blonde i dunno
Do you look more like your mother or father: my mother
What size shoe do you wear: 7
What's something you wish you could understand better: what guys are thinking
Do you like incense: no
Have you ever won any special awards: yes
First best friend: Ashton Haswell( i was a sheltered child and didnt fit in at St. Mary's OR WWMS)
First crush: dan schaffrick
First screen name: blink182fan0685
First pets: my two bunnies: cinnamon and sugar
First piercing/tattoo:my ears,and my gemini tattoo on my wrist
First big trip: Florida when i was 4 so i dont remember any of it
First play/musical/performance: King Midas and the golden touch
First musician you remember hearing in your house: IM RICK JAAAAAAAAAMES BITCH!......... ya when i was little i used to dance to super freak on vinyl.....hoooooootness