Nov 10, 2005 00:04
Tonight we watched Monsters Inc. I really like that movie. I needed to laugh a little and get away for a few. Kylie and I went to the desk before we migrated to the basement to watch the movie and Cal and Jarod were there. Along with Ryan and Ali. They had a their recap meeting. And Kylie was like, oh I hear Jarod!!!! So we had to stop by. Plus Jarod has the most amazing voice in the world. And I was happy to see Cal, but I didn't get to talk to him because of the meeting. I'll have to stop by tomorrow and talk with him because I heard he scraped up his knee again. That guy...if he's not bleeding or picking off a scab of some sort he's not content with himself and doesn't feel like a "man." Still really fascinated by him. I've been interested in people before, but none that were difficult to get to know better. He's a little more difficult to get to know, just because arranging a time to go talk to him isn't the most convienent. I'm sure it'll work out because both Mo and Mollie think that I should talk with him, so they'll be helpful. Work to do tomorrow, only Math and Physics to worry about class wise. So I'll try to focus on some physics work between classes, Math work before class in the morning. I think I'll be workin' on my English for a little while, although I'd rather just not do that because I'm not entirely interested in my asignment. But it has to be done sometime. Then I'll visit Cal sometime later. Ali will be working excuse to be on 1st floor... ;o)