May 11, 2005 22:10
The house is packed again and I am frustrated.
I have come to deal with and understand the fact that my roommates have absolutely no respect or consideration for me (right now they think I am in my room with the door shut so they are talking about smoking weed in Maggies room, that is right next to mine, and deciding whether it will be worth it to make me bitch. When in fact my bitching is not bitching, but a lack of being able to breathe in my own home, which they know, they just dont care). They had people over last night when I had class this morning, and there are people here again for round 2 of Braden's Birthday celebration, when I have assesment tests and lab to do all day tomorrow starting at 9am.
I swear to god if we get another noise complaint (when I am still in the midst of fighting the first one so I can get into my new place) I will start killing people.
So Diana accidentally sent me a text that was meant for someone else, talking about me. It was the second part of a message so all I got was "And I think she is lonely for friends right now, she's being all nice to me, its annoying".
Diana- I am not lonely, I just missed my friend, you. And when was I ever not nice to you? I wont try to talk to you anymore, you acted apologetic and sad about what happened, and acted as if you knew you should be kissing my ass, but instead you talk down to me and avoid me and make me feel as if I have done you wrong somehow. Whatever, I just always thought you were a relatively honest person, and here you are talking shit about me. I thought I was making the right choice giving our friendship another chance after you fucked me over, but apparently you are taking that and smacking me across the face with it. I just wish if you were so "over" everything you could have the balls to tell me to my face instead of talking to Melissa or whoever about every single word I say to you. I dont know if you are trying to act all hard for her or something by acting all indifferent about me, or whatever, but you said that so the damage is done. Text me when our bill comes in and I will bring the money to your work each month. If you are moving on and this whole thing is so 'tired', then I guess I will too.
I dont have the heart left to deal with more people like this. It seems everyone who gets close to me stabs me in the back and betrays my trust. I am so glad that I put so much faith in people that dont deserve it.
Anyway, more people are piling in and its getting loud so I am sure Amber is going insane trying to sleep in my room right now, so I think I will go lay with her and watch Invader Zim.
(And Bry, YOU SUCK!)
(And Dj-Thanks for the advice, but I dont think it pertains here, no?)