Dec 24, 2005 22:51
OK, so for the highlights of last night I stole this from Kell's LJ:
~Hightlights of last night~
- saw my girls :D
- went sledding and could not stay on the sled if my life depended on it. Hurts now but it was a lot of fun flying through the air.
- saw lols!! (nuff said)
- watched brianna ricochet off of a pole not sledding down a hill, but getting off of the hill on the way to the car. Funny funny shit.
- ate a TON.
- got lost on the way to sam's.
- laughed at Katy when she mumbled in her sleep hardcore.
- Almost reinjured the finger because my dumbass went sledding:)
- flirted with old guys in a minivan next to us, blairing rap.
- got flashed by afformentioned old guys.
- saw a drug deal go down at 711 - not sure about that one, but it was RAAATHA suspicious.
- drove down Jefferson to see the insanely lit house there - goi-geous as usual.
- jaywalked across jefferson to take pics at a creepy spot in front of the lake.
So tonight, my big sis, nephew and her boyfriend came over... Opened some presents.. pretty happy... made out with $140. Kinda bummed though cuz my other big sis got me a "sisters" bracelet and I really like it, but my wrist is too small for it:( But, my Gram buys us ornamentsevery year and this year she bought me a little pink mirror and on the other side it sayd, "i didn't ask to be princess, i asked to be queen." and according to my family thats how i act, so it totally suits me.. i dunno, i found it amusing.
Mom made her lasagna like always, I'm sure it was good... however I can't taste anything right now due to my WONDERFUL allergies(to my puppy:() Hmm that's about it...
oh, and my mom decided that i better marry into money or i'll be screwed cuz idon't like cooking very often and i'm not a fan of cleaning (at least not at home)