Feb 12, 2009 21:03
Alright, now that everyone of us has made a stern decision to stop using livejournal because it was "boring" or "lame" or blah blah blah, how about we all suck it the fudge up and jump back into the excitingly scandalous intrigues that are the world of livejournal. I know all you chumps miss heated internet battlings, arguing over who the bigger cunt is, explaining in detail how so-and-so is more stupid that whoever-the-fuck, recapping totally righteous or absolutely horrible party/gatherings at parks to get buck after hours/the field/taco bell parking lots etc. It seems like everyone is always speaking of something missing, or not quite feeling complete or satisfied these days...no wonder you fucking doofus! It's because the majority of us have been neglecting to give our painfully eager livejournals the time of day. Just typing this right this very moment reminds me of how good of a source of absolution this old hag can be.
All I really want is to brag about how many comments i received on some hilariously retarded post i made.
saber toothed groin shanker