Title: Evidence
Author: Moraya (
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst
Summary: Orlando has done something incredibly stupid.
Disclaimer: If this would be true, this story wouldn't be the first place you read about it. In other words, it's pure fiction.
Feedback: Like the first cup of coffee in the morning, craved like nothing else.
A/N: Present/future time fic. Not sure when exactly, the boys didn't tell me so far, but it's either now or in a not so far future. Doesn't matter that much though.
tularia *loves*
Dedicated to
bwitched83uk for helping me to flesh this bunny out and believing in me. I love you, hon *snuggles*
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08 He felt as if he was treading on thin ice, very carefully making his way forward, but always afraid it would break under the next step.