May 29, 2005 10:25
i haven't done this in awhile, but not much happened.
um i was grounded but that kinda ended on friday cause i just didn't come home after school & my mom didn't say anything about it..
friday - good day i guess you can say haha =) i walked to sarah's house after school & i saw her mom's new haircut & it looks really good & we even did it for her so she could "STRUT HER GOODIES" haha it was so funny cause we kept saying all that good stuff to her & she's like I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? hahaha yeah but then we tried calling bryan's cell like 423841234894 times but it was shut off, so me & sarah walked to my house with her puppy =P & i got some money cause we were suppose to go to subway with people but since nobody answered their cells, me & sarah went by ourselves =). when we got there, lets just say the guy working looked like EDWARD SCISSOR HANDS hahaha he was giving us such an attitude >O so while we were eating, sarah DEFFINENTLY dropped a meatball in her crotch! hahah it was so funny but then we walked over to bryan's to see if they were there, but they weren't & then i called drew to see if he knew where they were & he said he ditched them at his house haha so we walked over to his house & we were told that they had just left >O haha so we went back to bryan's and they were there..then we chilled with a bunch of people & i'm just too lazy to type all them, so we walked to the school being the "gangstaz" we are 8) then we went back to bryan's..then a little bit later me, sarah, courtney, ian & chucky (they left us & went home when they got to kozy's) walked to sarah's house so she could check in, but she had to stay in, so she just walked me & courtney down the street a little bit & then went back home, so me & courtney walked back to bryan's & i called my mom & she made me go home at 9:30 so i did being the nice daughter i am..although i was very pissed, but it's okay cause i was really tired anyways. so i got home & went on the computer for a little bit, then went upstairs & passed out by 12... =) overall, it was a good day =)
saturday - i woke up & i just changed fast & me & my sister went & cleaned her car out & made it all pretty. =) ugh, i felt so gross cause i like just woke up & didn't even shower & i was sweating a lot cause it was friggin 85 degrees out at 10:30 in the morning! haha so we did that & we were gonna go to the mall after we got home & took showers but she had to pick up her "boyfriend" at the airport so she said taht i could come cause they were going out to eat afterwards & she said that i could since i helped her clean her we picked him up & we parked sooo far away from where he was waiting for us haha so we walked for EVER & then we finally saw him & while he was waiting for his luggage i went into the little store in there & bought a gatorade & skittles =). then we drove to the Olive Garden in concord & it was really, really good haha. that was the first time i had eaten all day! =O so then my sister dropped me back off here & she went out..then i waited for my aunt, uncle & cousin to get here cause they were coming over, & we just chilled & shee-attt..haha & then my cousin goes "I'M IN THE MOOD TO USE A POGO STICK" & obv. since i had one in my garage, i was like lets go use it! haha so we were "pogoing" around haha & she like fell really hard on her elbow & i couldn't stop laughing hahaha but she was fine =P. then i had a burger & i'm surprised i even finished it! god i wasn't even hungry haha but i still ate it..then courtney called me around 11-ish & we talked about some stuff =D haha we're 2 amazing people haha i love uss<333 then i was watching a movie & i fell asleep, then this morning i thought my family was still going to be here but i guess they left at like 1 or 2..
today i haven't done anything, i woke up really early & took a shower & my mom's finally bringing me tanning! haha & then i'm hanging out with my bestest friend courtney.=D