a whole lot of RANDOM.

Feb 28, 2008 11:38

things that bother the living shit out of me:
1. really loud people
2. sluts in the clubs
3. free loaders
4. bad grammar & shit that doesn't make any sense at all
5. really good looking guys with a brain capacity of a 10 year old
6. really good looking guys that turn out to be gay
7. my philosophy & chem profs
8. p. diddy
9. mindless chatter
10. flakers an/or people who run late to everything, not "fashionably late" just fucking LATE.

things/people that make me HAPPY:
1. hanging out with my family & cousins
2. warm weather
3. papaya soap
4. my dog, Kobe
5. summer/winter vacation
6. road trips
7. the Philippines!<3
8. watching making the band & the hills, because i'm a lowlife.
9. listening to good shit
10. my room <3

well, overall i'm a lucky girl. i have a wonderful, and i emphasize WONDERFUL family. great friends. i sort of complain too much. but they are about things that make sense (to me, at least).

i would still like to know why AKON says "convict music" in the beginning of all his songs. is he proud of being a socially destructive person? what a fool.

sometimes, i would just loooove to be a guy and not have to do my hair and put on makeup. i'd be able to wear comfortable clothes everyday. but obviously i can never be a guy. so ashley and i were thinking of inventing some sort of machine that you walk into in the morning and you come out all ready to go. that would be the BEST invention EVER. i would get more sleep and save electricity and money. =] someone start inventing, i'll be your first customer fsho.


okay i should head to class. but then again, all i do in class is go on the internet anyways. so brb!

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