"even if you don't love me anymore.."

Jul 31, 2008 15:20

I pretty much slept the day away today. It felt good, for the time being. BUT I know i will be visited by the insomniac monster tonight =| So I better start thinking of things I could keep myself occupied with. A mani/pedi perhaps? whatevz.

i love my lj, for the simple fact that it's so much more personal and intimate than myspace or facebook, where it's about nosey-ness. sites like livejournal and blogspot give some space for people to show off their intellectual views on life, by writing. Not to say that I don't have a myspace/fb myself (because obviously.. i do). but i'm just giving LJ some sweet lovin, alright? okay.

I really hate being a bitch.. I hate saying things that I don't even mean. Which I always seem to do... when i'm angry, sad, pms-y, or just bored. I'm not a bad person, i know that for sure. I never do things that will cause anyone hurt or whatever. but regardless of not "doing" things. i have said things that i wish i could take back. i'm a girl though, we have this everlasting word-vomit disease. not an excuse.. i know. so i guess from now on, i need to really think about the shit i say. a lot of people irritate me, but they probably just need prayers.

"mean what you say. say what you mean. but don't say it mean."
-ms. moran

summer has been pretty chill. I can't believeeeee it's august already. whaaaat have i been doing? haha this is the fastest summer yet. i could barely remember any of it, but it's been fun. well i shouldn't be thinking about the end already... i still have a month to go. well less than a month. yuck. 17 units next semester may not have been the funnest route to take. but you gotta do what you gotta do. my mom and i are at this phase of just getting over a huge fight, so it's kinda of awkward right now. not much talking going on. hey, at least i'll always have kobe-ster to talk to..

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