Nov 21, 2007 23:29
It is a wednesday. If it was Friday night I could understand why I can't go to sleep, but it's not. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I have the day off for the most part. I really don't need the sleep, but I like sleeping. Anymore it seems like it is the only thing that I can do right, and that makes me happy at the same time. Tomorrow is going to suck, I know it is. It's going to be the first thanksgiving I spend away from my family. It seems pretty sad to say that being 22 years old, and never being away from my family on the holidays, but then again that is what you are susposed to do. Spend time with your family. I guess in a sense I am spending it with my family. I've gotten pretty close to Corley and his family, and everyone else in my class. I need to enjoy the time with them right now, because Corley, Lord, Gaeta all failed their Windows test. They get the retake on Tuesday, and if they don't pass that then they will get T-Spaced to another MOS. I am not really worried about Lord or Gaeta. Corley on the other hand, I am not so sure if he will do good or not. He failed both the written, and the hands on. Lord got 6/10 on the written, and Gaeta got 5/10 on the written and dropped one of the handson bugs. Normally I wouldn't give a shit about Gaeta, but I've gotten pretty close to her and I understand her more now than I have before. She is really nice to talk to when I am having problems, she only cares about herself and no matter what it is bothering you, she finds some way to change it over to herself and with my lack of brain I find myself getting off track and whatever that was bothering me is no longer bothering me.