Mar 04, 2007 22:13
Smell of home, of safety, lost in arms and not concious of anything except pure bliss for a fleeting moment in time.. Little giggles, crushed rosemary. Cool water. Reminants of a dream in which a fear arises that it will be lost upon awakening. Nag Champa.. Smokey haze of delirious memories of a time long ago. So very clear in the mind. Release, heart palpitations, small mews. A tear lost in the rain. Silhouettes of trees, stark naked, reaching to the sky with desperate pleas. Still lost in dreams. A small breath warm against the back of the neck. Gentle snoring. bodies twisted together, tangled. Soft footsteps. Cozy dreams of long ago. Don't leave, can't stay. Fear, wanting driving needs, baby gasps for breath. Return for a scream, a silent lie. A soft embrace, a tear streaked face. A lamb brought to the slaughter. innocence is overated.