Here I am 28 years old on a Saturday morning watching Jimmy Nuetron with my 1 year old daughter. Who would have thought 7 years ago that I would be watching cartoons with my child. Its great! She just crawled in my lap and brought me a book to read. I am telling you it is a great feeling. Every night when I come home from work she hears the front door start to open and she gets so excited. The first thing I here when I open the door is her squealing "Daadyeeee!!!" And for those few of you that have seen her dance
PoP you know she is great.
I also wanted to get this posted: I was watching TechTV (ScreenSavers)lastnight and they highlighted a very funny website called It was hilarious. The people on this site believe that they have the power to create these forcefeilds with their mind. There are video clips of them doing Street Fighter type moves and knocking people down. Evidently it is based off the walking on fire bit. Who knows. Just thought someone out there would get a kick out of it.