Non-Graceful Degradation

Apr 30, 2010 16:10

When LJ degrades a Paid Account into the dreariness of a "Regular" one, not only do I have to look at a fucking banner ad above my page saying "Free Psychic Reading" with little bubbles full of dollar signs behind it (WTF) but they apparently can't fix the user icons to do something so simple as allow the user to pick which ones become inactive and which ones don't. So I end up getting stuck with what usually ends up being the ones I never use because they're stupid shit I added when I didn't know and/or care what I was doing. The only way to get better ones to show up is to delete the active ones, which means that when I used them on posts 5 years ago, they'll vanish from those, too.

This can't be something that takes a scripting adept from the 33rd-Degree Level of Scripting Adepthood to I am left with the conclusion that the folks over in Russia running this place really kind of don't WANT us to be able to choose our active icons...since it kind of removes a little piece of motivation to re-up paid accounts...that is, if the Degraded User even has the fucking money to do so in the first place.

I changed my browser's "home page" from Cracked to my LJ Friends page, because this will automatically put social interaction that takes place on a level involving more than 140 damn Tweet characters in center stage.

Past experience shows me this simple change has a very positive effect on me. But being the sort of person who feels an inordinate amount of "page shame" when displaying a web presence that ain't all it could or should be, I'm having to fight off the nauseating feeling that comes from being represented by a page with little dollar signs in a banner floating over its masthead.

rant, administrivia, design

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