Dec 28, 2008 00:28
The username of this journal was changed just now from Mesila333 to Mesila.
I had created a 'mesila' journal as a private journal a long time ago and discarded it when I got this one because I didn't know how to change the name from the old 'monde' name.
I saw that it was on the list of 'now available journal names'. I snapped it up because I dun' want any other user getting the bright idea of using it, either as a way to embarrass me, or as a spam account, or just anyone else using it, period. Since this is a Hebrew name it just might get used by someone who thinks the idea of an "elevated path" or "high road" is cool.
This change, in other words, is in no way a repudiation of the 333 Current; moreover, said Current is running particularly strongly right now.