Dec 25, 2008 06:36
Oh, I love Lists of Useless And Totally Undocumented Factoids.
If anyone knows for certain that any one of these are not true, let's have some correction, and I'll spread the love back to the source, so to speak.
1. About 80% of women wear the wrong size bra. (What's the "right" size?)
2. The first paintball guns were used to mark trees. (As I'm sure they still end up doing plenty of the time.)
3. The United States has over 170,000 gas stations. (You counted them? Must've been a really EXCITING road trip.)
4. Cats spend about 70% of a day sleeping. (What? Of course they sleep a lot, but an exact percentage of each day for all cats? Um.)
5. Rabbits cannot throw up.
6. Rats cannot burp. (What CAN burp other than people...and toads?)
7. The mouth produces a quart of saliva every day. (Someone actually figured this out I shudder to imagine such a collection experiment for a whole day...)
8. Flies jump backwards when they take off. (Oh bullshit. come ON.)
9. There are 160 words for camel in Arabic. (Double Bullshit!)
10. Tomato juice takes away the smell of skunk. (Oh, does it work for indica bud, too? I'll have to remember that...)
11. Sound travels five times faster under water than in air.
12. Over half of the state names in the USA cames from Native American languages. (Bullshit, at least half and probably more are Spanish, and that leaves the rest.)
13. Fossils of sea creatures have been found at Mount Everest. (Well, that's a duh, everyone knows continents ain't where they usedta be.)
14. There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea. (I fucking hope this is as much crap as the rest of this list)
15. The fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco. (I think I'd know about it if it was. Seriously.)
16. The average outdoor only cat has a lifespan of about three years. (While wholeheartedly against keeping cats outside, that's really pessimistic.)
17. Bulls are colorblind. It is not the color of the cape which angers them--it is the motion. (You've got this confused with snakes and sound, stupid.)
18. Children grow faster in the springtime. (No, they just seem to be more hyper, maybe they get more exercise?)
19. The highest temperature recorded at the South Pole was minus 13 degrees centigrade.
20. A shrimp's heart is in its head.
21. Slugs have 4 noses.
22. Lobster used to be poor people's food. (Newsflash: in places like Boston, it still IS, because of the fucking pollution.)
23. In the 1500s most people got married in June after their yearly bath in May.
24. Fires usually move faster uphill than downhill. (OH, really? Maybe because heat rises? Idiot.)
25. At any given time about 0.7% of the world's population are estimated to be drunk. (Way too conservative an estimate, pardner...)
26. The average person will spend about 2 weeks during their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change. (Ditto.)
27. About 75% of the world's tornadoes hit the US.
28. Originally cheerleaders were all men.
29. Elephants are able to cry.
30. Richard and Carol Roble re-married each other 56 times.
31. There are about 600 different shapes of pasta worldwide.
32. Tipping in Iceland is considered an insult.
33. Reindeer hair is hollow like a tube.
34. The decomposition time for a glass bottle is Approximately 1 million years. (HOW DOES ANYONE FUCKING CLAIM to know this? How can it be tested? Oh, how do you define decomposition? This is just stupid layered over stupid.)
35. When an elephant dies of old age the cause of death is usually hunger.
36. People can't sneeze while sleeping. (I know this is false from fucking personal experience - the best proof there is.)
37. There is a town in Canada called Dildo.
38. The first day of the first year of the first millennium was a Saturday. (So what?)
39. Einstein designed a Refrigerator.
40. Einstein wouldn't drink alcohol.
41. Einstein did not speak until he was four years old.
42. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history? Diamonds = Julius Caesar, Spades = King David, Hearts = Charlemagne, Clubs = Alexander the Great.
43. The more concentrated you get the less you blink. (Now this I actually have no trouble believing, watch a tweaker some time and see how often s/he blinks...)
44. There are more people alive today than the number of all the people that have died, ever. (how can anyone get an accurate census on either of these?)
45. Men can read smaller print than women can. (Oh bullpucky)
46. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. (Still bullpucky)
47. A rollercoaster has no engine. (Yeah it does dumbfuck, just not on the CARS.)
48. The unit 'foot' was originally the length of a human foot (12 inches).
49. Cigarette lighter was invented before the matches where invented.
50. Thomas Edison, light bulb inventor, was afraid of the dark.
51. Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat door.
52. TV antennas were invented in 1898 but TV's were not invented until the year 1935.
53. Men are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than women. ("That's cuz they be mowin' the lawn while the wimmenfolks be in the kitchin where thar oughter beee")
54. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for about three hours. (Where do you think up this shit, sitting on the john?)
55. In average a woman smiles more often than a man. (Ya think it could have anything to do with their being pressured into decorative roles far more often?)
56. You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world. 365 days a year? More than that...or do you mean there's 9 million folks who were born on 22 July 1965 alive today?)
57. Only 12 people have ever set foot on the Moon. (Honestly, I think it was less than that.)
58. If you fart constantly for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Oh you are such a wit, I'm beginning to think this is a satire. And that I was just SLOW in catching on, making the joke on Guess Who?)
59. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
60. 40% of all people at a party snoop in your medicine cabinet. (And did not they realise that I of all folks would keep the "Worth While Pharmaceuticals" in a Safe Place, in an Undisclosed Location? Or else, would have just taken them all already...especially if this were happening at my party?)
61. The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year. (No, it's 1,461.)
62. A cow farts about 600 litres of metangas every day. That is enough to fyll up 40 party ballons. (And what are YOU on today?)
63. The average lead pencil can draw a line that is almost 35 miles long or you can write almost 50,000 words in English with just one pencil. (If all of them are the word "a", perhaps...)
64. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.
65. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
66. The average criminal sentence length is 137 years in Colombia. (And probably lasts a year before prisoner disappearance in the overwhelming majority of them.)
67. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. (Uh, no.)
68. Sri Lanka has lowest divorce rate in the world - and the highest rate of female suicide.
69. You swallow about a quart of snot everyday.
70. Humans share about 50% of their DNA with bananas.
71. Kissing helps prevent tooth decay.
72. The chocolate chip cookie was created by accident.
73. If the sun suddenly stopped shining it would take eight minutes for people on earth to be aware of it.
74. A person classified as "ugly" in San Francisco may not walk down any street. (BUT WE ARE ALLOWED TO WALK ALL OVER THE FACES OF ANYONE CLASSIFYING US THUSLY! )
75. Before the 1960's men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland. (THIS one actually IS half true, but it was more like, the guards REALLY screened people unfairly; they'd have let Tiny Tim in, though.)
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