Oh thank Christ it's over

Nov 05, 2008 08:28

On the grounds that it's pretty nice to have a person leading the USA who is smart instead of dog-stupid, and who is named 'Barack Hussein Obama'...OK, I know BHO is not a Messiah for peaceniks but I'm amazed - and glad - a black person named Barack Hussein Obama can become president of the USA.  And I DO like having my country represented and led by someone who is smarter than the ass end of a dog for a change.

I'm flummoxed to see that anti-gay marriage bullshit measure in California actually managed to pass.  WTF?!

Most of the propositions didn't have favourable results...well, now that I think about it, it was split about half and half. At least that abominable parental-notification bill did not make it, the expanding drug treatment in SF did pass, and the resolution to make San Francisco send representatives to Congress who say we want out of Iraq did pass.

But I wanted to see prostitution legalised, I wanted to see the George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Facility, and I wanted to see that hideous Prop 8 not only lose, but lose big.

Instead it won small.

It's hard to imagine so many freaked-out people who think letting gay people get married automatically ruins the whole concept of marriage for them.

What needs to happen now is that the State legislature needs to pass a law that marriage benefits are rescinded and will be restored to persons who officially declare a domestic partnership or civil union--since the religious wackos are so worried about the sanctity of marriage, 'marriage' should be an entirely religious--as opposed to fiduciary--commingling.

Deekoo just left for another 6 months in England.  I think I'm feeling that a little.  It's hard to tell how much.

I really need to find a cat and adopt it.  I can't afford to fall from sanity the way I did last winter again.

politics, so now what?

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