You Are A Chap Who Dare To Thwart The Revolution.

Sep 17, 2008 22:37

A terrifying sign from a former prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. One wonders, why bother interrogating anyone if no responses, save for those specifically wanted, are ever allowed, on pain of electrical torture?

Putting aside* my demented and "non-actuality-based" electrectrical fetishizing, that sign is pretty spooky.

Provided, natch, that it isn't another Photoshop masterpiece a la "Some4chan-thing Awful" - but since it's supposed to be a picture of something from the 1970s (if I'm getting my history correct here) there's no readily available way to prove or disprove the actuality of this thing...

I do think it's probably the kind of weirdness that is more likely to be real since people lack - for the MOST part - the quirkiness required to make shit like this up.

From the Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness, which seems to have expanded focus beyond JUST technical docs, into the "kinda done-to-death, yet perennially funny anyway" world of Mistranslated and/or Merely Badly Written Signs.

*I do 'put it aside' a lot, because it IS kind of um, weird, that I fantasize about something I don't actually want to have done to me...and although the SAFE and VERY low wattage versions of electro sex toys do perk my curiosities, odds are they'd not be half as exciting as just the IDEA of being on intimate tems with power, in a literal as hell sort of way...

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