Jun 18, 2007 20:17
I went and - with the exception of new names which were either auto-added from the most recent Choronzon interest-sweep, one or two other Interesting Folks chanced-upon recently, I went and removed ALL persons from my watchlist who have removed me from theirs.
Let me say I'm not particularly surprised at the number of green arrows I ran into.
It really isn't surprising that people would not want to read some of the stupid shit I've posted here lately. Moreover, if I add someone to my list I ought to go seek interaction with them once in a blue moon, so that it's not just a one-way thing.
Or else it's perfectly logical it won't be a mutual green/blue helical niftiness but a one-way green arrow.
Funny how they chose the colours for this.
Green is usually connotative of "go", or fulgency, and blue, of sadness.
But blue arrows are people who added YOU, that you haven't noticed yet.
I think the green arrows ought to be made grey, not green.
Sorry, guys. The writing here improves, and some commenting gets done by me, else you've no reason to have me sitting around on your list, especially with my dedicated angst over LJ-cut when used for anything textual that isn't a spoiler for some piece of media you haven't crammed into your senses and mind, yet, but might wish to at some point.
There will be little or no whinging here, any longer. I have created an outlet for that which isn't going to be shared here. It hopefully too won't get much action because I'm bored with my own bullshit more than you are, believe me.
If you hate having to look at it, think of how I feel, running into it on my own journal.
I can't filter myself off myself. Well, I could, but that would be dumb, since every time I look at my own journal I'll see it anyway.