Jun 01, 2007 01:43
2008 will be the year PNAC either gets really aggro or dies. By really aggro I mean nukes and that could get the United States of America get real, no-kidding war declared on its ass by any number of allied nations.
Think about it. Say you live in Germany. Or Tehran. One day George W. Bush has some sort of embolism after doing too much coke and gets a wild hair up his rear that a huge army of Satan is located in that city, and makes some impossibly unreasonable demand with a lot of megatonnage behind it.
It will be refused, the bastard would flatten/irradiate/eradicate completely the whole city of Berlin or Tehran or wherever - and most of the surrounding regions.
The rest of the EU becomes shitscared. The Muslims get lots of new friends really really fast. Putin isn't dancing jigs with Bush any more, he's mad, MAD, pissed off that those decadent Americans sat on their fat AND over-anorexic asses and LET THAT CRAZY FUCK stay in the seat of Commander in Chief long enough to finally go and do it.
We'd wake up one morning and have guns, missiles, and about FOUR BILLION REALLY PISSED OFF PEOPLE at our borders. (They'd not all be soldiers; "borders" here also means cultural, the Net would be aswarm with vitriol against this nation and calls for its immediate eradication before he does it again.
I believe a preemptive nuke by US forces could just quite possibly unite the whole planet against us.
And they'd kick our asses flat. Make no mistake. We couldn't win that war, we spent our entire box of little brown plastic soldiers over there in that country - whazzitcalled? Iraq - that will by then be renamed "Quagmire" instead of Iraq because they'll be so scared of being mistaken for Iran and already have had enough proof we're batshit with the Abu Garaibs and the house-to-houses and every kid hit by a piece of munition and blown to twisted bits, they'd be shitscared with more reason than everyone else...until the unity started happening.
If Shrub uses a nuke - preemptively for sure, maybe even if NOT - if the attacking nation a) doesn't actually, like, attack us first, or b) they hit us with primitive bombs and don't go for high death tolls, just destroy some property or a landmark to show us their feelings...
If Shrub uses the no-kidding literal 'nuclear option', America is finished.
There IS a second superpower. It's called EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS NOT THE USA or A SERVILE PUPPET THEREOF.
They don't have the fancy black manta-shaped airplanes, but they have a lot of power, people, and we're going broke and only THINK we're so wealthy because we're trillions of bucks in the hole, credit cards, the key to Things You Don't Need, Indentured Servitude, and finally, for many, homelessness and no place to PUT their huge bunches of non-vital and expensive stuff.
TRILLIONS. We're so far in the red that no one could count it out. That morning there'd be a lot of palms out demanding we pay up our debts with nice high interest to boot, since our asshole "president" decided he just HAD to have his nuclear bomb psycho deathgasm for Jesus. And we failed to stop him.
PNAC is attempting to get the world under its thumb before it can unite against the US. But their mission ALREADY failed, since it has ALREADY BEGUN HAPPENING. The Iraq and Iran oil bourse change over to the Euro is the first salvo in "World War More". If we're lucky, it won't be nuclear...or last long, or leave the terrarium unlivable.
The allies against the US could grind us to a halt by cutting off the supply of oil - are you starting to see why Bush wanted those military bases so badly? Mission Accomplished WAS accomplished. He got them built.
But we, er, I mean, a coup government that we didn't elect, rather, will not win this because they're not in the right, and we know it, the rest of the planet knows it, and only a handful of corporazi and religious fanatics, who use each other when convenient but have many conflicts of interest - and a smattering of megachurches and other Shrubnik fan club outlets, don't know it.
And we don't have the might or the right any more, ergo, we - Ack!damnit, I mean PNAC - will lose.
I wonder how we'd be divied up by the EU, the Arabs, the Asians and the ex-Communist countries who'd quickly smooth over their differences were the nut at the helm of the Dystopian State of America(ns) actually dare to toss a nuke bomb onto Tehran, or any other city. The man loves his power over human life and death as his governorship's executions and his crowing and joking about them, and then as faux President, crowing about the "missing weapons of mass destruction" being lost in his asshole at a press conference, gesturally communicated in a for-real photo a few years back. Even the corporazi were shocked a bit when he demonstrated the Your Problem is Obvious pose to a bunch of paparazzi.
He was at Bohemian Grove in 2005, the year Choronzon and the Weaving Spiders went into full offensive, and apparently, sitting presidents NEVER go to those bacchanals. Only ex-presidents.
He tripped and fell over a tripwire, snarled into the web of deceit and secrecy that even DUMBASSES can tell ain't democratic. In other words, his OWN. Then Choronzon came and did the rest...
But that Christer YOW-Ugh religion shit - that's dangerous, and waging their so called spiritual warfare on us as I write this. That stupidity is akin to Bush stupidity. "Say a lot, say things that don't jibe with what just got said, confuse them and they'll eventually stop paying attention, do nothing, and play our game if we just tell 'em what they wanna hear and just go ahead and do whatever we want anyway".
It would be a heckuvalot easier, that thing in the White House said, as long as I'm the dictator. His face these days is gaining lots of canyons - bearing an anxiety state, perhaps one of realising he may have been a little bit wrong about that...can you imagine how paranoid he must be when millions of his own constituents wouldn't mind seeing him assassinated?
And that's JUST HERE, the rest of the world, or most of it anyway, will have millions who wouldn't mind seeing that happen, either.