May 31, 2007 16:44
(Video went south and left an ugly "no video here" graphic, so I hosed it)
Colbert manages to make something horrible a laugh. I have totally opposing feelings about this sort of liberal-backlash infotainment. On the one hand there's that liberal-backlash thing, which is only going to be widespread enough if the corporate media spanks its owned government's people when they FUCK UP. On the other hand, it's...infotainment. Something about infotainment trivialises things even when its liberal-friendly, which is probably why corporazi support it.
I'd like to give Nancy Pelosi a strong whack across the face with an oil soaked newspaper with a picture of Cheney's fucking ugly face on it, and HARD, owing to the approval for the new Iraq War funding bill which sends yet more of your paycheck to the cause of perpetual quagmire maintenance. NO WITHDRAWAL DATE - JUST HANDING THE CASH TO THE BUSHIES AND BENDING OVER FOR ALL OF US. Wait, I didn't WANT a reaming--not THIS way, anyway...~/deep, silent sigh/~
Never mind that an astounding 73% of US citizens have registered disapproval for quagmire maintenance with no endstate included, who needs timetables? Let's just...drop 'em so we can quit and go home! Bastards. Look, you're the House of "Representatives", you are paid to represent US, not the people we wanted you to REPLACE!
Oh how you told us you'd Have The Troops Out of That Eye-Rack war...I mean invasion attack/occupation, what "war"? They didn't fucking attack the USA - and setting aside for 12 seconds the nearly inarguable evidence for complicity in 9/11 (LIHOP = MIHOP = COMPLICITY, no difference, you let it happen, you made it happen, and ought to be in prison for it, but nooooo, whatever threats you make to the Congresspeople and their families must have them eating your shit like it's filet mignon.
But let's pretend for a moment al-Qaeda exists outside of the Pentagon.
Iraq is not al-Qaeda, but the US trained just about every one of those bastards, so as to have essentially created it. Why create a gang of terrorists that hate America? Why, to be the Justification for either a greedy oil/power grab or jumpstarting Armageddon, who knows anymore, or even CARES, it doesn't matter why, it matters HOW: i.e. we pay for this, and at the expense of educating US kids, building US roads and DEFENDING THIS DUMB ASS COUNTRY which is what the military's supposed to be around for, or was that just total lies? Oh, lies. Duh.
Oil or Armageddon? Well, maybe both, maybe neither, but whatever the motive it was NOT protecting your life, family and American way of life (there's only one "American way of life"? Appearently, since people are always referring to it as a non plural thing, when we all know there's at least 70,000,000 American Ways of Life at LEAST.
War, my ass, Congress didn't declare it, it ain't "war", it is an absolutely unconstitutional invasion and occupation, egregious abuse of executive power, blah blah, blather rinse repeat...
And while no absolutes exist in a chaotic universe, and perhaps some of the better-minded troops actually helped a few folks over there--it's not IMPOSSIBLE for me to believe--far more evidence seems to say, all too clearly, this is JUST PLAIN WRONG, beyond mere illegality, and also a hideous waste of our defense department's funds.
Say there really WAS a huge, highly funded terror network NOT sponsored by the US that attacks this nation. Oh dear, our troops are fucking around knocking down houses and their occupants in Tikrit, say there's a quake over here in Frisco? Rescue helicopters? Sorry, you homo-liberal-commie-faggots-et-cetera, we sent 'em to Iraq packed with all your democracy!
Give it to IRAQ? That's a good one. It was dumped out the windows of the Blackhawks before they landed as their 24 year old pilots laughed and took pictures with their vid-slabs to post on their moblogs.
Cops and soldiers MOSTLY seem to take these jobs to commit legal acts of violence, or Be Able To Control People By Threatening Deprivation of their Freedom, Assets, or both. Some don't. But it seems that most do. And I guess it takes a like mind to outsmart a sadistic criminal, but it's too bad so many of them like to kill, beat up or otherwise decrease the quality of life of unarmed people in their living rooms, busting in like DEA zealot-gunners who get the address wrong and break down the door of the 78 year old grandmothers instead of the crackshack down the street, and worse, shoot first, determine they're asswits who can't find a fucking address later...and in Iraq, they do this to people whose language they either barely know at all or totally do not even speak..
That...or videotape gangs of naked 4 year old kids made to chase a halftrack as two dickheads hold out a bottle of water and see how fast the little ones will run to get it. They laughed through the whole thing like it was the funniest thing on earth, and while I'm no big "Defender of Children JUST Because They Are Children" in most senses, I found this atrocious enough to get me a little sick. Speaking of which, since the jokers tossed the capped bottle to the urchins at the end, I have to wonder what they might have put in it. I hope it was drugs and not cyanide, but hopefully their cruel sense of humour ends at the notion of poisoning innocents, no matter how young or old.
So they told us no more rubberstamp Congress. As Colbert saith, looks like they found the damn stamp thing.
Dear Democratic Congress:
You are now officially Shrubbery minions, since like all good Shrubniks, YOU lied to us.
We voted for you, and to thank us, you decided to talk up a blue streak and vote with a red pen.
FUCK YOU VERY MUCH, especially you, Ms. Pelosi, formerly my San Fran congresscritter before your hot shit promotion....who got HOW many votes over the years from me...?!?!?! and then...WTF?! You caved to this shit after what, a month or two? You suck and suck and suck again, because if there is anything more disgusting than a neocon it's a hypocrite-loaded, neocon-plant infested (?) (paranoia or possibility? I can't tell the difference any more) "Democratic" Congress that does exactly what neocons want them to.
You suck, all of you, save for Den Kucinich - and Barack O, MAYBE. All the progressivistas love ol' B.O, but I honestly don't know his record and until I see it I'm holding my cheers. (What's with the guy's first name, incidentally, as in: why did his folks name him something sounding like a word for military housing units? And furtherly digressing, why is it always "barracks", never a "barrack", always multiples of them? That goes on the silly language list, NOW.)
If you guys don't start impeaching Chimpbastard and Oilbastard, and the bitch they keep around to play token Black Labrador lapdog, and who probably gives far more blow jobs than Monica ever could in three lifetimes - ever notice that HUGE mouth ol' Condi has?
It's like this, do your I-word job or...I'm going to set Choronzon on you - erm, Choronzon will set himself on you, I mean...all of you twats who voted yes on that for-shit bill, save for abovementioned Den, who didn't, and furthermore was sponsor of H.R 333 (Resolution to Impeach Dick. So that when Shrub catches a bullet, kills himself out of guilt or gets killed in a putsch or something, or else far more likely is shunted to some Undisclosed Ranchish Location to live a life of luxury and baseball and clearing brush off his stupid ranch, fantasizing he was Ronald Reagan riding a cowboy pony screamin' Yeehaw and tossing missiles hither-thither, well, when any of those things happen, if Cheney isn't out, HE gets to be in charge...SMART, Den, SMART. No sarcasm whatsoever there.
And the number? The triple triad number, sacred 333 that is Choronzon's Lucky Lotto number, I still can't get over how fucking COOL that is, even if this shit pile of neocon plants and cowed fools and career pols fails to DO it, it's STILL great.
Resolution 333, my Gods, I am losing track of all the things that make Choronzon seem realer all the time, but that's a fave, for sure. Also favourite, the way Choronzon helped me beat Deek at Illuminati, this card game I've never played, was TOTALLY confused by, and who won by a dice roll that had to be a three or less and after snapping my fingers twice (before finding this out, incidentally) I roll snake eyes and Deek's Pentagon card goes poofty. The look on his face was priceless. We've had altogether too few moments like that lately and that one was a doozy. I TOLD him Choronzon was going to be a showoff to snot at him for that "silly" remark...We all know Deek is NEVER silly. For the record, Choronzon found it piquish for maybe 3 seconds then just laughed and now is nothing but amused.
But Choronzon isn't amused by the CONgress that was supposed to be the PROgress and stridently recommends that you legislationeers start doing the ONE job we pay you for...impeachment. It's ALL about the I word, guys, and Choronzon has his/its ways, and will find some means of secretive and stealthy persuasion, or outright shenanigans, if need be...he is not fooling around.
Well, he/it DOES fool around a lot, but not with YOU people. Figures with all YOU fools around it would be redundant.
He/it and his exazenai (symbiotic lover, partner-in-exaze, i.e. me) deeply dislike the way your noses are growing.
Growing so long...growing...into Pinocchio elephant trunks.
Fuck You, in case the first Fuck You somehow got missed.
Den and Barack, and Yee (is she still around?) are exempt, but the rest of you are asses with long noses that suck...aka Republicrat Assophants and Pachydermatitists. Something like sycophant hierophants, but more asslike and also resembling elephants with horrid skin diseases. (If I am missing the names on the non-shit-list of any other PROgress critters, please correct me, if you've actually read this purgative textual spazzathon ALL THE WAY HERE.)
I disagree with Colbert actually...The Assophants are not "pussies". Pussies, whether vaginal or feline, are generally considered to be nice things, unless they're misbehaving or go missing too long. You're the yeast infection and the litterbox undumped for days. Jerkoff lying sacks of shit, get new jobs, since you obviously are on a steady diet of The Kool Aid now. We did NOT put you in office to drink the Kool Aid. Someone take that shit away and give them something more 'medicinal', please.
I knew this damn "pass-a-bill-funding-the-war-sans-leaving-timetable" would fucking happen, too, KNEW it like I know all the other damn Cassandra shit.
Why can't I for ONCE see something GOOD happen in a future context, and have it come to be?
The effectuations of '05 could count, yeah, but they cost us: a perfectly good, gothy, voodoo-veves-on-the-sidewalks city and a lot of people who are victims of Shrubnik shit got screwed by the same hurricane that awoke the nation at last and brought the aforementioned fecal matter(s) home where it all could be seen and felt and not just on TV screens. (Fuck! Why couldn't Katrina have swung her vortexissimal furies north and like, maybe just stayed a rainstorm til she found the CIA building or the White House or something?)
Vshilshavulishevili can be a super-high-octane bitch, since she hates us all so VERY much for destroying the airflow systems in a multitude of ways, and making the water all yucky as well. And she doesn't care what our politics are, if we look like hairless apes we're on her shitlist - and I'm beginning to not blame her.
(She's the storm-goddess, sister to quakemeister brother Vrekakequai, together, these highly unpronounceably-named transversion agents are the "Gaian pool-sweep" anti-entropic caretakers that help Earth breathe, in the Choronzonic mythosphere, just in case you haven't already been reading this wackjob journal for a while.)