My Shamelessly Dickered-With LiveJournal 12 Days of WhateverChoronzon gave to me...aethyric dreams of you kwaazy peepuls:12
tatoodevils a-clubbing.11
agent139s a-groaning.10
deviant_mutes a-writing.9
northangers a-stargazing.8
choronzon333s a-singing7
the_accuser333s a-ranting.6
hurricanecarols a-shouting.5lush red
cusraques...4 thinking
4_4_4s.3 amber
amberites.2 snakes from the
city_of_dis.And a
layo in a Life-Tree with 11 shiny round "Ornaments" (and yes, ELEVEN, since Daath counts on THIS tree. Of course.)...another pointless timewaster brought to you by