FET: Field effect Transistor: a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field
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Thank you, I'll add you: anyone in your place who can read that chunk of text, and see that I'm obviously a passionate dissident and still wants to add me is worth talking to. Seriously. Besides, I agree with DS that we can't know what's going on over there or trust the words of pundits no matter what positions they take. i respect DS a lot but we've gotten into some pretty heavy debates. If you're up for that sort of thing, tell me; if you'd rather I avoid it I will do so. Frankly my concerns are more about the loss of freedom in America that the Shrubbery have been leading us to and about the huge, huge pile of 9/11 anomalies - and 9/11 being what started this whole thing, I think it has to be looked at more closely. DS's biggest beef with me seemed to be that I insisted on continuing to believe that OBL was hired by the Shrubbery to do that act of terror. If so, that would make parts of the official story true, but the main gist of it, obscured deliberately. Take care of yourself, and yeah, I just read your last entry and hope you get sent home too. We need our army HERE. Not overseas. (As long as it's fighting actual terrorists and not just putting away drug people.)
Oh I'm sure we're on the same page.qp4July 12 2005, 19:13:23 UTC
9/11 didn't start this whole thing.
I almost hate to put this on silicon but fuck it, it won't be the first time: I don't believe there is such thing as the man OBL. I believe that OBL is currently living in Washington DC or Los Angeles and is named Jim Smith or some shit like that, and every few months he sits down with a fake beard and an AK-47 for the CIA or some other alphabet agency and makes a tape that supposed to be of him in a cave somewhere in the hills of the untamed East. OBL is a huge and easily believable front concocted by those way higher above us, part of a scheme with aims that I'm not exactly sure of.
Re: Oh I'm sure we're on the same page.mesilaJuly 13 2005, 07:32:57 UTC
Right on. Exactamente.
Have a look at an Air Force Training Manual from 2000 called "The Middle East In Transition" sometime. This was found out in a free box, obviously it had been replaced to reflect the 'transition". The whole chapter on Islamic terror groups mentions all the major players. Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a bunch of others. OBL merited exactly one half sentence, mentioned as a "wealthy Saudi prodigal son who acts alone". NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about "al-Qaeda". I'd already been convinced long ago by all the rest of the evidence and I'm not talking crap like whether or not a missile hit the Pentagon or whether or not the towers were mined with explosives. That stuff isn't unimportant but I find the confiscation of videos by the FBI and the stand-down and the look on Bush's face and his dispassionate, unemotional tone when he made the initial 9/11 speech (funny how the version on the whitehouse website has been changed from the one seen on that day) said enough, on their own. They needed a New Pearl Harbour so they arranged for one. They may have hired bin Laden, knowing a good thing for them when they see it (he'd be dead from kidney failure in a year or so) or might have just cooked up the whole thing. They have already been proven to do this. People are waking up now, it's very hard to admit to oneself that one's own government is so twisted after being so safe from this sort of thing all our lives.
I understand being careful about what you say. (Just do as they do... deny it later in the face of obvious evidence? Over and over?)
I almost hate to put this on silicon but fuck it, it won't be the first time: I don't believe there is such thing as the man OBL. I believe that OBL is currently living in Washington DC or Los Angeles and is named Jim Smith or some shit like that, and every few months he sits down with a fake beard and an AK-47 for the CIA or some other alphabet agency and makes a tape that supposed to be of him in a cave somewhere in the hills of the untamed East. OBL is a huge and easily believable front concocted by those way higher above us, part of a scheme with aims that I'm not exactly sure of.
This shit goes back way farther than that.
Have a look at an Air Force Training Manual from 2000 called "The Middle East In Transition" sometime. This was found out in a free box, obviously it had been replaced to reflect the 'transition". The whole chapter on Islamic terror groups mentions all the major players. Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a bunch of others. OBL merited exactly one half sentence, mentioned as a "wealthy Saudi prodigal son who acts alone". NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about "al-Qaeda". I'd already been convinced long ago by all the rest of the evidence and I'm not talking crap like whether or not a missile hit the Pentagon or whether or not the towers were mined with explosives. That stuff isn't unimportant but I find the confiscation of videos by the FBI and the stand-down and the look on Bush's face and his dispassionate, unemotional tone when he made the initial 9/11 speech (funny how the version on the whitehouse website has been changed from the one seen on that day) said enough, on their own. They needed a New Pearl Harbour so they arranged for one. They may have hired bin Laden, knowing a good thing for them when they see it (he'd be dead from kidney failure in a year or so) or might have just cooked up the whole thing. They have already been proven to do this. People are waking up now, it's very hard to admit to oneself that one's own government is so twisted after being so safe from this sort of thing all our lives.
I understand being careful about what you say. (Just do as they do... deny it later in the face of obvious evidence? Over and over?)
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