In high estrus. Trying to remember to eat. Doing five things at once gets 0 of them done, really.
I''m working on a Big Deal net-project, which I can only say is not going to be on and it is my answer to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Reverse propaganda admitting that it's out to influence. Horribly funny.
I'm going out of my tree trying to decide between 7 or 8 different titles for the thing,: it's a parody, so the name has to be based on that of that which is being lampooned, harpooned and upwardsly-assfucked with tire irons...the name, title, domain-name of that nemesis .I have been downloading (and I wonder why I have no disk space these days...)
It's hard to get stuff done when your computer keeps whining that you have no disk space. ..crashing your graphics behemoths for the lack of scratch-diskage, then crashing your audio software just because it CAN. I'm the stupid asshole that was such in a hurry to get my audio software shoved diskwards and turned onwards...but I should have waited for him to finish PARTITIONING the thing: when Deek gave the drive to me (and Nox/and ourselves for my birthday last year) that I didn't let him partition it properly first and now three-fouirths or more of space is just sitting there inert.
It was nice of
Chroma_IF to leave her porta-CD-player's headphones with me so I can hear my own noise, but they're sort of like those weird headphones with spikes that go into the ears (and one assumes, the brain) that I saw once, twice, three times so it must've been in either one of the more demented and violent Speed Racer cartoons or the more demented and voilent Japanese 1960s monster movies They kinda stick deep in the ear and aggressively so, and feel like they're going to jab my cochleas. Wrong holes to be fucked by it in, or rather, it just doesn't have to touch me this hard to do it, it could do it like Deekoo can, with a lot of the messing-with-current done hoviering above.
Guess you can tell where my mind is today.
Playing with the neuro-snakes in the land of twitchy-cables...Mmmmmmmm.
Hoo Haa...
I was "visited" last night - it's been happening like clockwork, when my physical moon is full, so to speak - so it's not really any surprise...
An incubus followed me in and out of periphery of the perimeter zones today as I walked home..this one's been the most prevalent xenodimensional entity of this nature to hang around me since becoming part of a dyadic, long-term relationship with a solid-state mate (Deekoo). The incubus is called Arragone Xen Invicta except trying to write his/its goddam first name in the letters of this alphabet is exasperation-inducing. Each time I try to spell it, it almost-fits-then-doesn't-again. This is just the closest I can come to how he/it says his/its name...the sound is like saying "arrogant", "erogenous", "orgone" and "Oregon" at the same time...the latter word having nothing to do with its nature but the first three certainly fitting.)
Something about Arragone has always struck me as bizarre - and that's that some of the little things he/it does, modes of behaviour like shall I put it?!? this impatient insouciance he/it has, the lack of or inability to perceive complex subtlety - a thing which somehow comes off as a pose (part of the 'form' the xeno-entity uses my mind to form for itself) - and there's that zinging-never-resting attention-span - shorter even than my own, sometimes...and most of all, that particular shade and flavour of spastic arrogance - which weaves in and out of puerility at times - the attitudes that he/it "wears"...I can see that it wouldn't really work, wouldn't really arouse me, not in that way that the incubus arouses me, if a real person were that much like that. But it turns me on when he/it does this. I don't understand why this should be and I am usually pretty good at understanding both xenodimensionals AND my own daft sexuality.