Kelsie's 2!!

Oct 04, 2005 08:51

So here we go with the birthday's again. Today is Kelsie's 2nd birthday. She's such a doll. I'm going home tonight to give both Kels and Marissa their birthday presents. I'm supposed to go golfing with Jess today (that is if she still wants to cuz she looks a little golfed out!), so I will be headin up that way afterwards. Hopefully my car will last... Geez! If I hear one more new freaking sound, I'm going to have a fit! Oh well, it should be a good time today! I have a presentation to do in Creative Dramatics today. That'll be fun. We're goin to the beach!! :-D Ok, so it's through pantomime, but still. I can wish, right? Speaking of wish, Cinderella comes out on DVD today!!! I think I'm getting it, and I am VERY excited! :)

Hall Council was a good time last night. It lasted a freaking hour, though! Man oh man! We're in the middle of designing all the stuff for homecoming, and we picked out our hall shirts. Yep, they're gonna be pretty nasty, but whatever. I'll just say that our colors are kelly green with white lettering. That's exactly what I want a sweatshirt of... A big green jelly bean or, as we were saying last night, a big flower with spiked hair! :) Hahaha! Yep, so if you have any spare time and would like to help cut out, decorate, or anything like that for Oakwood for homecoming, PLEASE we need your help!! You know you want toooooooo!!! Oh, and I found out from Mariela that maintenance DID come look at our room yesterday and said they couldn't see anything wrong...there wasn't any mold. I was like BS! Tell them to come back! Brent, 1st floor RA, seemed concerned about it and said he would talk to someone. He ended up coming up last night to see it, and he was like whoa, how could they miss that?! I was like yes, exactly! Hopefully that'll get fixed soon. I'm sick of seeing it!

So yes, I really don't have a whole lot to write about. My roomie is finally back from golf! She came back last night. Only 1 more week until golf is done and she will be here ALL the time! Man, I'm not going to know what to do with that! Hahaha! It'll be fun, and I'm excited about it. We already have a date for next Friday. We're going to a movie and shopping (hopefully), and then Rach said she might come up for homecoming (which is that weekend), so I told her that if she comes on Friday, she is more than welcome to go with us!! I miss our movie nights. We had a GREAT time together at the end of our frosh year, so I can only imagine how we'll be now when we haven't all seen each other for a LONG time! Hahaha! Alright, I gotta get going because I still have to get ready before class (which is in 30 min). I hope that everyone has a great day!! A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to Erica and Ashley today!! Hope you girls have a great one! :) Lots of love to all, especially Mr. Carl! :)
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