Originally published at
drew.nerdahl.us. Please leave any
comments there.
Alright so, I’ve been a bit on the busy side. The famed DST change that occurred put me and my co-workers on the pavement to get a bunch of servers and applications patched before yesterday morning. Luckily, for the most part, the change over was uneventful and most of our systems changed as intended.
I am not a reviewer of anything but bars. I tend to suck at producing adequate information on any other subject. So I will simply say that I got rocked by my own gift to my wife.
Gunslinger Girl rocks! Check it out if you’re a Neo Genesis Evangelion/Serial Experiments Lain/Witch Hunter Robin fan.
I’m still slightly recovering from my bowling bonanza last weekend. The Minnesota Jaycees had their state bowling tournament and I subbed for a friend’s team on Tuesday. That’s 6 games on Saturday, 3 games on Sunday and 3 games on Tuesday for a grand total of 12 games in 4 days. We’ll see how the body is doing tomorrow when I put in another 3 at Sunray.
Now that the DST games are over with, I’m hoping to have some more time to update the site, but with me, you never know.
Enjoy the weather!