Radical Women: Socialist Feminist exist today!

Feb 18, 2007 16:59

I don't know if I have mentioned this group in my journal but I'm in conflict about them. First of all they want me to join. They are a great organization. Wonderful women and men (their associated organization, The Freedom Socialist Part, includes men and so many of the events are inclusive). It's been fun being apart of the group. But though I agree with basic tenets of the group like the evilness of capitalism, the longterm ineffectiveness of reforming laws instead of overhauling the system, and the need for real revolution, I'm not sure that socialism is the answer. But how do I bring this skepticism to them without offending. I mean they have this thing about power being in the hands of the workers which would be great if I thought workers could be united for a common goal. I think that what gets me is the human factor. I am starting to believe that people are "naturally" individualistic. I mean some people care about family members but how many actually care about the whole of humanity? I admit that I am beginning to lose faith in humanity. Radical Women view liberalism as on par with conservatism. Neither is really going to change anything and both are embedded in the current system and so they are inherently ineffective. I have always believed in the necessity of multiple tactics. There is a need for some people to work within the system and there is a need for some to work outside of it and all the range inbetween. I still believe that and I don't think that this perspective fits into Radical Women's philosophy. I mean I like volunteering for planned parenthood and the komen foundation. But for Radical women this organizations are a part of the system. Though they do acknowledge that both groups do a lot for women's health. I know that I tend to be an all or nothing person, meaning that if I can't agree with everything that an organization does then I don't particularly want to be affilated with it. I believe in Planned Parenthood but I'm beginning to question the Komen Foundation. I was doing data entry there and I ran across some groups that donate to the organization that I don't support. It was a very weird moment that forced me to really think about the compromises that we make in order to achieve our goals. Maybe that's what gets me about Radical Women they don't believe in compromising. I'm sure that within their organization they make compromises but never any that interfer with their mission and philosophy. I had decided that I would take a year and a day (it's the wiccan training method) to learn and decide if I actually want to be a socialist feminist with radical women. The only problem with doing this is that I don't want to lead them on and I feel like that's what i'll be doing if I don't actually tell them my plan. Truth be told I really need to be able to have an honest and open discussion with them without putting them on the defensive. So that's what's up with me.
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