I mentioned in comments the other day that there were some fun scenes with Ronon and Rodney's cat, Newton, and was promptly asked if I could post a bit. So... Have a bit of Ronon plus cat, with a warning for some minor spoilers.
“Can you do something with this?” Ronon said, holding out what in fact appeared to be a half-grown Siamese cat. It was hissing, its ears laid back, probably at the fact that it was being held at arm’s length as if it might explode.
“Like what?” Jeannie said, reaching gingerly for the kitten. It yowled and writhed in alarm, but she managed to tuck it into a slightly less unhappy ball in her arms, and thankfully it didn’t seem inclined to bite.
“It’s McKay’s,” Ronon said. “Only it keeps getting out and attacking people.”
“Attacking,” Jeannie said.
“Lying in wait and then trying to bite people’s ankles.”
“Bite their ankles.” She was trying really hard not to smile.
“Not very hard,” he granted. “But it’s annoying.”