Jun 01, 2007 01:50
so, i went to morocco with my stalkee. we completely ruled africa.
i'm spoiled now... having the nika for over 2 weeks here has been LOADS of fun, i must say. (we had our moments of sadness and glory, but such is life...plus...that's what stalkers are for, right, nika? i know she whole-heartedly agress on this one...)
is it august yet? is it? is it, mommy? we definetely had fun, i was even crafty!!! which hasn't happened lately. so i guess that the muse is back. plus, i got a lot of cheap goodies in morocco, so i'm all set for a couple of weeks now...we'll see...
and the shoes, omg...the shoes. we are shoe whores.
i honestly never thought i'd set foot in africa. although it really didn't feel like africa. i didn't know moroccans were muslims and needless to say, making more friends along the way is something that i really love. marie and simo are the best. we now have a house in Casablanca!
is it august yet?
love ya, dahlin'...
i miss you already...again...