Long Overdue Update +art

Apr 30, 2007 12:43

I haven't updated in what feels like a long while. It has felt for a long time like things in my life have been too personal to go posting here. That's what my personal journal is for I guess. ;) On the other hand, if you know me outside the internet then you probably know a lot of what's going on in that respect anyway. As such, I'll bring my friends that don't (or are just out of the loop) more or less up to date.

Back around Christmas, I came to a realization that things weren't working out between Josh and I. He just couldn't be the responsible person I would have needed him to be if things were to last, I guess. So I backed off, and finally I ended it. We had good times while we were dating, and he'll always be my friend, but any more than that just won't work.

Since then, I've gotten to be really good friends with this great guy I work with. His name is Breckin. He's an awesome guy with his head on straight, very smart, very ambitious. I like him a lot. He likes me too. ;) We've been seeing each other for a while...things are going pretty well, pretty comfortably.

I feel mostly happy with my life. Things are better...
I got put on a new project at work. People even tell me I'm doing a good job. :) I'm trying really hard to be a good programmer, a good engineer. I'm so lucky to have this job.

At the end of June, my lease will be up and I'll be moving into a 2-story apartment with darkmyth13. I get the feeling things will get even better from there...more space, less of an issue with cleaning and rent, my own room. Plus she's a very cool person. ;) Lots of fun will be had...and I think I'll be able to focus on my studies better too.

Also, I just got done building my first custom system. I also got a new monitor so I can do dual and a new printer/scanner unit. Basically revamped my whole computer situation at home. For those who care, got a dual core pentium processor (1.8 ghz), 500 gb hard drive (plus my 2 externals, almost a terabyte), 2 gb ram, dual monitors (17 and 19"), Geforce 8600 series graphics card (1 down from top of the line!), dvd writer/reader, even a floppy drive for my old disks, and windows vista. :) Basically I bought the best I could afford...and it ended up being very cheap. I'm incredibly happy with it. Like I said, I just bought a printer/scanner to go with it too, since my old stuff wasn't compatible (and was old/crappy).

So now you're up to speed I guess, whether you wanted to know all that or not. :/

And I even have been doing a little art. Like I was saying on DA, I just haven't had time to work on art...but more than that, I have been pretty unhappy with my style lately. Mostly the style itself but the coloring too. Here's some dabbling in some other directions regarding those areas. The first is Zane jumping off a building (so what else is new), and a contest entry for a contest my DA pal Wazaga is having.

I guess I'm ok with these techniques. It feel pretty right anyway, but I may be just as unhappy soon. I guess that's how artists are. :/ Just gotta experiment more. If only I had more time.

Build is done, so back to work I go.

PS. I'm reading this book called "Why Software Sucks" by David Platt and it's a really lively and accurate account of what's wrong with today's UIs. An entertaining and informative read for developers and users alike.

friends, electronics, cold core omega, life, relationships, art

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