<--real attempt at perspective, what?
I don't know why I didn't post that one of Zephyr sooner. Hm.
bythefault posted some scans of a comic called Blacksad (of which I know nothing) and it has SUCH PRETTY ART. I'm so jealous of the amazing perspective an' backgrounds, UGH. It has furries, but even the furries are well drawn (what a rarity). I don't know what it's about or anything and I think I'm gonna ask for it for Christmas just so I can stare at the art. The reason I mention it is cause -I- want to do perspective like that. ;_; Three points and some sketching later I managed to make the second one...not terribly happy with it though. It's like half colored but I dunno if I can bring myself to finish it. The other one is just the Feragani culture and the counter culture's differing ways of dressing...blah.
Also on my Christmas list is going to be a basket to hold my sewing stuff. I'm the sewing queen, baby! Never knew how fun it was, I'm sure glad Mom got me my sewing machine last year. :) I've been working on Josh's Wakka costume for Oni-Con and it's turning out great. It has piping. I'm actually doing piping. Can ya believe it? I have to wait on making his pants until we get some more supplies, so in the meantime I think I might make some clothes for myself...yes, real clothes, not a costume...I hope I don't butcher it, heh. Once I finish Josh's costume I'll post pictures, he's gonna be the best Wakka ever. And also of any of the especially unique clothes I make, just for kicks. Sewing is so awesome.
We got a new Karaoke Revolution for the gaming group last night, and it was pretty fun. Oh man,
raleigh747's stirring rendition of "I Will Always Love You" was the highlight of the evening. I think he turned purple. And while Josh's version of "Material Girl" was amusing, I was a little disturbed to hear that some boys kiss and hug him, and he thinks that's okay, as the song goes. :)
In other non-school related news, horrah!, my artist friends from back home, Jenny and Thomas, have internet now. Late night chatting prompted some art including
my picture of her Yoshi character Cirrus, and some hilarious discussions including Cirrus turning into a Cabbit ship like on Tenchi and
Goose turning into the NOS Rockets, or Noose...yet it was weird. Also, Thomas' reaction if he had a chibi as a pet, "Aww...good chibi...you complete me." I thought that was so funny.
Things are pretty good so far, except Sun-Tues when I have to buckle down homework-wise. Seems like everything is due on Tuesdays now. First battery of tests is coming my way too. Speaking of which, I might need to go some programming now.
After sherbet.