Legalpad Sketches

Jul 19, 2010 17:41

I don't have time to draw 'cept in meetings at work. Sadness.

Well first of all, I am now heavily into Call of Duty thanks to rapier4, soulshelter and pistol62. I was watching Sean play for a long time and loving it but now I'm playing too. Expect flood of CoD art from me n soulshelter at first opportunity. Oh yeah and I totes have x-box live now SO if you wanna friend me my gamertag is...get ready...merystic...wouldn't have guessed? Add me if you like~

Anyways art...sorry but the quality is awful, I only have lined paper at work and no scanner. BTW if you are viewing the cut in my style, right click > view image or w/e for full size, I'm autoresizing them on my layout. If you're in your own style you should be golden

CoD first

Saving the "best" for FIRST traditional media oh god what DDD: I did not know what the hell I was doing. Haven't worked in tradition in ages, watercolors even longer. Also I did this on cardstock and learned a valuable lesson: cardstock no worky so well with watercolors. Oh well. since this pic I have cut it out and am going to GLUE it on some prettier paper that did not bleed yessss oh yeah and the leg didn't look quite so wonky till it was colored? oh well i miss digital or something ugh :/

True story

My first fictional crush in a long time, Soap MacTavish..oh god I'm 13 again

me n soulshelter, mess wit' da best, die wit' da rest

And now the non CoD art

This WAS a legalpad sketch till I finished it so I'll still put it here. I am positively floored at the reaction this got on FA


Maddox again

Maddox again but from behind! perspectivefail




wtf maddox, this is a cool idea but um gay as a sketch? IM POSTIN ANYWAY

I was drawin' our chars (rapier4, neoscottie, n her bf Nick) as Disney movies (the others were poo hence only this one survived) and first Neo was gonna be Mulan but then I was like it will be funnier if Naedere is Mulan and Neo is Mushu! Idk who I am lol

steampunk Gryphon

rapier4 herpin' his derp like yeah

poop dragon, symbol of meeting despair

weird vintage style pum squishing a cockroach

Mery looking weird, scene fr/ Merystories

Whatevs, the end!

games, friends, lol, art

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