As much as I love summer (and I really do love summer) I can't wait to wear my trenchcoat lol. Anyways, school's up again. Cool whip. I've been drawing more in consequence because during summer I sit in front of a computer all day and occupy myself with random shiz on the internet but now that I sit in a classroom half of my day, I occupy myself by doodling on every available surface.
Therefore, my new sketches are like 70% done on crap lined paper or paper with instructions/random class information on it or MY ASSIGNMENT BOOK. Which is currently kind of ravaged with my drawings oh god. LIKE THIS ONE
Mario is so cool. He's like, my hero. I drew during the very first hour of school lolllll.
on the back of my schedule lol. Inspired by that one plot bunny on the kpopficsmeme (I think it was the ficsmeme) where onew was a hotdog salesman and jonghyun was a single father whose son really likes hotdogs or something idk SO CUTE ;O;
lol school house rock calls for drawing of Arthur in a crown. I didn't use a ref tho so forgive whatever errors are on his face idk
I didn't realize it until just now but I guess I drew a lot of crowns this month huh. I drew a few pikachus like this on the homecoming vote paper too instead of actually voting for anyone lol.
gorgeous sweet amazing baby~ I love this girl ;A; I miss her
also I've been recently addicted to tegakie
I love this girl too ffffuuu my girl ocs~~
I was really hungry in class this one day :Q______ my consolation is drawing food sigh
people in a burger shop. my cousin, my bro, big bang lyrics.
a cow, my shoe, my phone, a giant peep. those things are freaky.
a face drawn on my syllabus inspired by traditional japanese paintings er...yeah
speaking of japanese: this is my face 50% of the time in that class oh my god some of the things that come out of my classmate's mouths...
I actually wear my glasses a lot in that class. Even though I sit in the front row (lol nerd), my japanese teacher always puts up stuff that's hard to see >_>
so dA ripped off existing art sites and made it so you can draw comments. NOT IMPRESSED. TEGAKIE BIASED. FOREVER.
me again
me, one last time lol I've been wanting to go karaoke lately (told you I'm addicted to tegakie :-/)
Daniel dancing nobody lol I don't really know where this came from. (yeah there really is no difference between daniel and me OTL I guess he might have longer legs and be less deadpan, that's about it...)
sketches from when Miss A's Breathe came out addicted to that song aughhh. But yeah, Suzy's seriously too pretty my pencil breaks when I try to capture her on page k. Everytime she comes on screen in the mv I'm just like...*__*;; ughhh AND ISN'T SHE ONLY LIKE 16 OR SUM SHIZ
Min is cute too tho, she has a fun face to draw.
pah jaebum on my math notes, retarded sine function on his shirt
mini!Jay yelling for tech taec (these were my history notes lol)
JAY WITH TAEC~ see what I did there, it's like a story.
omg lame lol /shot
Someone should forcefully tear me off this otp because I may/may not be obsessed OTL It's such a perfect shipping! westcoast-midget-nohomo-gangstah and eastcoast-giant-touchyfeely-nerd. Gahhhhh :Q____ Except it's dead ;A;
another thing you might have to tear me away from is drawing Wooyoung
why is he so fun to draw goddddd. That aside, I might redraw this later so there isn't a random blurb about the constitutional congress running across his EYES I didn't notice that the text was there until after I drew it gahh /selective vision?
some quick iscribble stuff
oh yeah want to see the lucifer cg I'll never finish?
blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >_<
/end dump
So how goes life, guys? It's been a while since I last updated, to be honest. I have an essay due tomorrow. One of my best friends is a ghost. Thinking of starting a kpop dance club with another friend. Stole soap and tomatoes last weekend, went to a wedding the one before that. Got counter-tripped/flipped/flung to the floor in taekwondo like 50 times in 45 minutes. One asian freshman girl keeps staring at me, I'm betting she thinks I'm a dude and has a crush on me lol that would be weird. Been reading a book on philosophy.
Only in eliminating the status of living in two worlds will you break away from the class of cattle and join the higher class of supermen.
Children and parents have a highly cannibalistic relationship.
Waking up is a surprise.